
Or c) He can't speak to women because of his strict upbringing and society telling him he is supposed to be attracted to women, and he feels very uncomfortable around them. Lots of people don't discover their true attractions until later in life, and these are guys who, romantically speaking, haven't had many

Or c) He can't speak to women because of his strict upbringing and society telling him he is supposed to be attracted to women, and he feels very uncomfortable around them. Lots of people don't discover their true attractions until later in life, and these are guys who, romantically speaking, haven't had many

Now that Jordis is gone, this has been cleared from my DVR. She was the best one on the show.

Why does he sing with an accent? He's from Kansas?

Pete Best does have a kid who is in The Pete Best Band. Considering Paul hasn't spoken one word to Pete since 1962, this is very doubtful.
Ringo has a younger son (name escapes me) who is also a drummer, and is interested.
I predict one album with one top-40 song. Doubtfully more.

I was, however, impressed that Beverley knows how to knit and not just faked it, either that or she learned it specifically for the show. Nice touch. The only thing is, she seems like she's 35 wearing a wig. Seems to young to be Granny.

Replying to @avclub-24ee89e653e6e5cf2cd38b38353a9da2:disqus  but it won't let me (no reply button on his comment)
I thought the same thing here…that Michael is really the dead one, caught in some sort of purgatory.

cannot believe you didn't mention Jordis Unga in this review! She who got 3 of the 4 to turn around and ended up picking Blake's team. Jordis was on Rock Star: INXS and came in 5th…she's freaking awesome.


Miss Piggy certainly would have nipples, but she would have 6 of them.

I thought it was a sketch at first.

Yep, they didn't mention Copenhagen at all. My husband and I recently booked a trip there, and were excited when it was set in Sweden, and we actually said "It would be cool to have an episode set in Copenhagen" so it's on our minds. The word would have popped out at us.

Peter Gallagher. Le Sigh.

Now, if only Project Runway would take this advice and make people sew to get on the show. Anya wouldn't have made it to the first judging table.

Astro is, and will always be, George Jetson's dog.

Oh, heck no would they give it to Viktor, who IMO and yours is the best choice and should win. They've had their heads so far up Anya's behind since day one. She could, honestly, have sent naked people down the runway this week and said she was inspired by the vast nakedness of the island in the ocean, and they would


Wait—does this mean that Ladysmith Black Mambazo AND Linda Rondstadt will be touring with him too???

OMG—please, I beg of the casting agents: Oprah Winfrey as Ouiser…

She has a vacant stare. Everyone is reading from cue cards, but maybe it's her big eyes—it really comes across with her…I just can't enjoy anything she does because it's so obvious. Everyone else seems to have a knack for making it more natural.