
Yeah, but I am not looking forward to the kind of draft that this tanking will lead to.

Obviously you’re missing the big picture. We’ve got no chance to win it all, so we’re tanking as part of the full rebuild. And I’m not talking just about soccer. The whole damn country. I mean, do you think we’d elect Donald Trump president if we were trying to actually be the best country? No, he’s obviously a

OK, this guy personally is a piece of shit, but seriously this article? With REAL shit we can be pissed about, artistically changing the Washington Monument to a goal post to promote football is not “directing airstrikes to destroy national monuments” in the truest sense of the word. How many movies have destroyed

Fuck you! I still watch the A’s. I just watch them the same way I watch my son playing tee-ball: with the resignation that nothing good or interesting will come of this and that any dreams I had for future baseball success will be repeatedly shattered.

I am in this weird limbo with football where I am less interested all the time (in part because the Bears suck and I expect my favorite college team, ND, to be run-0f-the-mill at best) and in part because of all the off-field stuff and the overall product and all of it.

Paul Tagliabue should be recognized as a great commissioner because he was so good at making sure nobody noticed/cared about players beating women, doing drugs, standing/sitting/doing jumping jacks during the anthem, or how much money cities lost on stadium deals.