
I graduated from a “good” law school, have practiced for over a decade, and have taken and passed two bar exams (one of them five months ago!). I have nary a clue what either of those things are.

“I had hoped that my nearly two decades of public service might carry more weight than my two worst moments on television.”

I read that while in Iraq he served as a driver. For officers. In other words, a job suited for his mentality and skill level.

Nothing says “family values” like beating up one of your babymama!

Palin allegedly punched her in the face, kicked her, and threatened to kill himself with his semi-automatic rifle.

Maybe, but I’m more convinced it was Obama.

If I recall correctly, Track was stationed out of Fort Wainwright, Alaska and never saw combat. He did that for two years and was discharged and did recruiting for the National Guard for 2 years. I’m not saying it was easy, but it sure beats being shot at. Also, if the rumors are true, he has forced into service or he

America: “Man, the White House is getting pretty trashy, what with Omarosa trying to break into the residence and the president watching TV all the time while leaving oreos and diet coke cans everywhere”

Ah yes, the party of morals and personal responsibility on display again.

The difference is that Kate Winslet is worth something like $90m and doesn’t need to be in a fucking Woody Allen movie to pay her mortgage.

Selena’s got her new kidney working overtime.

Three hours into sex, Wolf Blitzer screams, “WE’VE ONLY JUST STARTED!”

Bye bitch!

Such a bill was actually being bandied about earlier this year with some Republican support, though it seems to have stalled out around the time Trump sought out Lindsay Graham as his golf partner.

You can steal a lock of Donald Trump’s hair from any Golden Retriever.

well shiite, this SOB is actually going to get away with it

Mueller should change his name to Robert Transgender Fetus Climate Change and really put Trump in a Catch-22.

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say if Trump is impeached, there will be mass large scale violence if not civil war.

I’m not sure what the “best” way of getting rid of him is, but at this point I’d be satisfied if Big Bird sat on him and suffocated him to death. A humiliating end for a humiliating chapter of our presidential history.