
That way Trump can fuck with Mueller’s whole holiday. Let’s face it, he’s the king of petty.

I’m sure you’re 181% pure magic.

This little guy was also a NMDR rescue. He had the rotten teeth and weird resource hoarding issues, and was 181% pure magic. I will always be grateful to NMDR for bringing him to my life.

“We singles live empty lives of quiet desperation...”

he really has been doing a terrific job and being recognized more and more

I wrote elsewhere that it’s notable how often all it takes to derail a woman’s career is to be labeled “difficult.” And yet people fall over themselves to work with difficult, even monstrous men.

There are literally entire towns in Alabama that could not, if they pooled all of their extra cash together, rent a studio apartment in NYC.

Cash injections from Robert Mercer, unscrupulous advertisers hawking survival backpacks and gold buying schemes, and the gullibility of Evangelicals, mostly.

Children are so much easier to teach than grown men.

Next stop: Lebensborn.

a new generation of struggling white poors. do not forget that this bullshit is as motivated by racist Othering of non-white immigrants as anything else.

I’ve been expecting the day they’d say this sort of shit. I’ve always believed these anti-abortion types were really scared about being “outbred” by those dirty non-Whites/immigrants they hate so much and therefore want to stop abortions to keep the White American population up.

Yeah? I should have kids? I’m in my mid 30s, unmarried, don’t own a home, and I’m still paying off extensive student loans. You fuckers have made it impossible for this generation to afford anything, and yet you think we should procreate so we can, what, have a new generation of struggling poors?

So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their

*sigh* I look at them and I just want to give them a warm meal and a bath. And then call the police.

this dude looks like a fake Onion article about 2017 rappers

Typical sexual predator. He can’t take “no” for an answer.

I’m not seeing anything that looks particularly mentally unsound (beyond the repetitive pushing of numeric keys whilst claiming to be writing a letter); it looks more to me like she thought she could pop off at a couple of “foreigners,” and then got scared when she got called out on her shit, so she doubled down and

What did she expect?