Please let there be an expose coming. Next comes Dan Schneider.
So we can’t get women/poc behind the camera, but a creep can no show his movies repeatly and still keeps getting projects...
It could’ve been that scamp John Barron.
On its own, I’m ok with it, and I’m glad he bore witness to what he heard (as well he should), but if he uses this as part of some redemption tour to get himself back on air, he can take a long walk off a short pier.
So this is pure Peacock kabuki. The Billy Bush dance of reconciliation is being orchestrated by NBC so that Billy Bushie can join Megyn Kelly’s show.
Why bother changing his name. If 71% of republicans in Alabama would vot a child rapist into office, some woman will marry him, he will get a job, and all will be awesome for him in the fucked up world no matter what.
Yeah that has to be it. His awful family has built his confidence back up to where he feels he deserves a future again. It’s funny how none of this sounds like remorse yet...
A 172-page brief? After the time had been served? Well. Shelling out $200k (an educated guess) to clear a criminal record suggests at the very least that his sentencing statement of remorse wasn’t exactly heart-felt.
I wish my dad had been told there was a trick for this. Could have saved me a lot of surgeries.
Somewhere in alabama roy moore both messed his pants AND declared this video some sort of commie, illegal immigrant witchcraft.
She’s lying though.
You seem optimistic considering his support hasn’t dropped below 37% since he was elected. These people will ignore anything this man does, and if anything bad happens to them they will continue to blame it on anyone other than him.
I’ve heard that The Muslims have already planned a big dance party on the rooftops of Jersey City.
I truly wished that most of them kept the Trump lawn signs for future purges
It’s the weekend. Probably just called room service.
lol, that one’s not going to be a party. It will be a rave.
Alas, so is his solid voting base.
It’s like your racist aunt’s forwarded emails became sentient, coagulated into a semi-human form, developed narcissistic personality disorder and dementia, and were voted into the Oval Office.