
Narcissists operate with one foot in reality and another in delusion. They recognize reality and use it against people to further their desires. But at the same time they completely buy into their own lies and bullshit to support their own deluded personal narrative.

Should be noted that when she filed for divorce back in 2006, she was 7 months pregnant with their 3rd child.

I hope this is wrapped up on Christmas Day exactly. Mueller should pull up to the Trump family gold-plated Xmas at Mar-a-Lago and lead the lot of them out in cuffs. Tiffany (who wasn’t invited to Xmas) can just sit back and celebrate.

Because James Jesus Angleton is my spirit animal, I know what Trump’s defense should be: “The Russians are trying to frame me.”

Twitter has actively made the world a worse place.

Gif party time!

But he’s clearly the bonitis guy!

I’d be really happy if from now on, all Mooch articles were posted with photos of Mario Cantone as the Mooch. Who at Jezebel can I take this up with?

You know what my first thought though was? Lucky him. He doesn’t have to deal with this frickin’ government anymore.

Take comfort in the knowledge that since Kimmel started speaking out politically, his ratings have climbed steadily, and according to the most recent rating trend reports, Kimmel is now on target to bump Fallon out of second place by about February (Colbert will, of course, retain first place in the late night

Or maybe Geraldo should be fucking fired like the rest of the pervert squad.

“Lastly, I would like to add that I am troubled by how quickly and brutishly some have taken my comments out of context and attempted to blame my generation, my age, or my mindset, without having read the entirety of what I said.”

What’s plagarism? Is it like edting?

But he’s a man, and these days - I’ll just admit it - I THINK THAT SHOULD COUNT AGAINST HIM!!!

“Why do white people want to use the word so bad?”

Christina Crawford sold them (the production company/studio) the rights to the book, and then went on a pity tour about how she didn’t see any of the profits, and had no creative input.

Oh god, and fucking hate the smug filmmaker trope of “did you enjoy the gratuitous and cheerfully-scored violence we spent thousands of hours and millions of dollars to show you? Well, surprise, YOURE THE REAL MONSTER FOR WATCHING IT !”

I’m sure having a CIA man as Sec. of State would do wonders for international relations.

I think it shows not only how much times changed from the 70s to the 90s but even last year to this year.

Wild guess.... It’s been 5 yrs and a day since Geraldo sexually assaulted someone.