
These are all good questions, but unfortunately I can only help you with the last one:

No, rebellion would’ve been sending some burqa-wearing rando to pick up the award and make an impassioned speech about Muslim rights. (Bonus points if the person is not in fact Muslim.)

No to nitpick, but Ivanka isn’t Eva Braun—-she’s Hitler’s niece Geli Raubal, the only woman he ever loved.

I had never heard of Bree Walker either so I took a stroll down google image lane; her plastic surgery is unfortunate but her doggy is exquisite:)

In the current political environment the word “hypocrisy” has no meaning.

Oh my gosh, I hope you don’t think I was yelling at you—-you were just the last comment posted.

Is it just me, or is there something really sexist about expecting Joan Didion to provide fucking solutions to the problems she espies with her little gimlet eyes?

He’ll claim it was his wife’s fault for not fucking him on demand. Or maybe she gained a few pounds after pushing out three kids so it’s her fault for not having the pert ass of a teenage boy.

The woman in the bottom photograph pushing the gun away needs a thought bubble saying, “Girl, bye!”

I thought I was choosing the two whitest states, but I was wrong—-although Vermont is #1 Iowa is now the 5th whitest state.

No, I don’t think people of color engage in more criminal activity—-but I know they’re prosecuted far more often than white people, and they’re given disproportionately longer sentences.

I’m probably missing the point here, but I will never understand people like this dipshit and Dylan Roof who hate black folks so much they need to kill some and spend the rest of their lives in jail.

Once we’re done with the browns we’ll move on to the Jews.

Dubya was less than a decade ago, but let’s face it—-the fact that we’re smart enough to do math and sentient enough to remember history means this meme wasn’t intended for us anyway.

This is the kind of material that Oxygen salivates for.

That is so interesting—-I have only the most basic understanding of the Fairness Doctrine (obviously), and was under the impression it was directly related to the rise of right-wing media after Reagan.

I assume you know this, but Kushner couldn’t even get into Harvard on his own; his Daddy bought his way in:

Was it just last week the motherfucking president saw a washed-up jurist on Faux claiming Obama tapped the phones of Trump, Angela Merkel and the baby Jesus?

But even if Fox News stops peddling right-wing delusions something identical will rise in its place. There’s money to be made hustling geezers and hawking boner pills, and hate never goes out of style, unfortunately.

Matters of the heart and history are complicated, but the NY Post is in the bag for Trump. I’m not saying this isn’t true—-Huma took the dangerous idiot back once, so obviously she has a blind spot—-but I won’t believe it ‘til I see the receipts.