
Thank you for the voice of reason; it doesn’t matter what they lose, or how fucked they end up—-Trump supporters will always blame Obama, or the brown folk, or the damn libruls—-they will NEVER take responsibility for their actions, and facts are less than meaningless.

Why do you think it will only be four years?

Every time we vote or own property we’re standing on the backs of the women who came before us who agitated for our rights.

A fat woman with thinning hair, a ludicrous spray tan AND five kids by three different men?

You think he wouldn’t have much trouble coming up with a “C” word to complete “oligarch.”

Trump did so donate to NAMBLA! I read all about it in the leaked Clinton emails!

If student perceptions were spot on Eramo would still have her job—-every single victim and advocate she worked with loved her.

My favorite Khaled Hosseini quote; I consider it the Margaret Atwood 2.0.

And if she did she sure as shit wouldn’t vaccinate that little fucker!

This is classic disinformation. The fact that Lisa Bloom is Gloria Allred’s daughter will be used to discredit Trump’s legitimate accusers.

Fuck Amanda Carpenter—-everyone knows she’s been playing hide-the-Campbell’s-soup-in-my-sopping-wet-pantry with Ted Cruz for YEARS.

As Karl Rove said, liberals operate are a “reality-based community” (and yes, this was meant pejoratively).

I thought it was pork as well, and since this election has made me paranoid I assume it’s some kind of coded anti-Muslim message.

I’m sorry if I’m understanding this incorrectly, but if the AVERAGE salary is $22 an hour then half the workers make LESS.

She’s been doxxed—-that rancid ginger turd Chuck Johnson outed her about a year ago.

I chortle when these motherfuckers claim Huma is a one-woman Islamofascist sleeper cell.

Honey, those women wanted you to say worse because you were using up the hour you booked through their escort service.

A false flag would actually make sense; this is the most Nazi-fied election imaginable—-of course we need a Reichstag fire!

Glenn Beck has a lock on the prepper movement—-he’s making a mint selling “food insurance.”

I always picture the Republican Constitution as a largely blank piece of parchment emblazoned with nothing but the 2nd Amendment in ALL-CAPS.