His clothes look like the shapewear section at Target became self aware, GOT DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR, and placed itself on a swath of models.
His clothes look like the shapewear section at Target became self aware, GOT DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR, and placed itself on a swath of models.
I’m morbidly curious about the rape charges she and her sister filed against her brother. We have two choices and I don’t know which one is worse:
Tf she needs that type of tight control she shouldn’t have to keep working so hard—-Vegas residencies are grueling.
Okay, what if you saw videotape of Hillary simultaneously molesting a child and kicking a puppy on top of the dead body of Vince Foster?
Twelve jurors found the co-defendant guilty, but after a successful appeal the state opted not to retry him because the victim declined to testify.
Nothing can compare to rural poverty. I live in a dicey urban neighborhood but the schools serve free breakfast and I’ve never seen a kid without a decent winter coat—-in the hinterlands kids lose their TEETH ‘cause their folks don’t have a car to drive them to the dentist.
I’m voting against Trump as well. I sometimes wonder if there’s any crime or transgression Hillary could commit to persuade me stay home on election day.
The classic response to father failings: “Jesus Christ, at least he’s trying!”
Personally, I’m desperate to know if she lied on her citizenship application about being a college graduate.
The shout-out to Muslims, Black Lives Matter and scary POC is a start, but without a mention of the knockout game we haven’t hit peak Fox.
Not to mention his rumored arrest for soliciting rent boys in the 1970s.
I’m so excited to see you on the Jez, MBC. Please stay with us; I promise we’ll never make you watch Titanic or run to the store for tampax!
Melanin and poverty should be listed as aggravating factors in sentencing guidelines.
Does anyone know what will happen if she lied about her education in her citizenship application?
God, do you remember a few years ago when the youngest one got her big ole’ pontoon lip injections and denied she’d had anything done? And little girls everywhere were bashing their lips on hard objects trying to get the same look?
Looks like somebody doesn’t have any gay friends;)
Claiming he goes after “people” on the internet is such bullshit. He goes after WOMEN, always women.
Okay, I figured it out: obviously Amber Heard is lying—-if she really gave a shit about charities she would’ve gone to trial and gotten more money to donate. Settling for 7 million shows what a selfish bitch she is.
Sorry, I disagree. Katrina Pierson would say Trump’s glossolalia is a direct result of the Islamic communistic proto-fascist policies of Barack HUSSEIN Obama (with a reach-around by Hillary Clinton).
You can’t hide 12 million cash in a pair of skinny jeans, that’s for sure...