
I’m disappointed no one mentioned Ted Cruz, fashion pioneer:

Adele isn’t give shit about her sexuality because she’s a larger girl and thus the hoi polloi don’t want to fuck her.

Because a woman with kids and no husband is obviously harlot. How will women learn to keep their legs crossed if we don’t punish them vigorously?

Being nice to a single overweight person doesn’t mean he doesn’t hate fat people—-it just means he’s polite.

My favorite In-Laws quote makes me think of Trump:

(Pontius) Pilates of the Caribbean?

We have always been at war with Eastasia.

Speaking generally, I think the situation is probably easier for women because there’s no stigma when people pay our way. Some men might feel unmanly (not that they should!) if others are picking up the the tab.

My tattoo-artist friend calls them Everlasting Jobstoppers.

Not to be a buzzkill, but the subject matter is especially appropriate because IIRC she was very involved in the search for poor Polly Klass.

I know this sounds odd to say, but I’m disappointed the men who intervened are Swedish exchange students. I had this whole narrative in my head where the victim was saved by rich white frat bros—-the yins to Brock Turner’s yang.

I couldn’t agree with your more about this ashy fucknugget, but #notallmen. IMHO we haven’t given enough love to the two other rich white boys in the alley that night: Peter Jonsson and Carl Arndt.

I always tell people unpaid housework is tyranny which has been used to marginalize women for millennia.

There’s a difference between being on his son’s side and being a tone-deaf rape apologist.

I can’t understand why more people aren’t talking about his mysteriously missing business partner. I’m not saying Johnny had the man killed, but it’s an undeniably curious circumstance.

Murder is actually the number one cause of death for pregnant women:

People don’t want to believe they can be fooled. Of course I’d know if anyone I met was a wife-beater; do I look stupid?

You know, I don’t usually wade into this shit, but here I am.

They’ve both got the gnarly choppers thing going on.

Good for you for being brave enough to name him. Think about it: if he’s notorious enough that we non-Hollywood folk know about him then what kind of mental gymnastics do the Nickelodeon suits need to perform to keep hiring him?