
“Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.”

If I were an artist I’d assemble 100 naked MENSTRUATING women to free-bleed on the the convention steps—-Trump would stay home;)

He’s the Frieda Claxton of the Hollywood Hills!

They should check the security cameras of every hotel that shitbag has stayed in; no rapist starts offending in his 50s.

She needs to pose nude with the flag because she’s a woman now, and all women know that for a huge swath of the population your only value comes from how attractive you are.

I desperately want Melania to have an affair with wealthy clothing magnate Carlos Slim—-not only is he Mexican, but he’s far richer than Trump. You know that shit would keep him up at night;)

He built concentration camps for AIDS victims; he may have been doing the best he could for some constituents, but certainly not the ones with HIV.

If a vegan diet will destroy cancer someone should probably dig up Linda McCartney—-she’s probably bored as fuck in that little coffin:(

Not to be vuglar, but maybe he had diarrhea. Maybe he just got a text his cat was ill—-I think it’s important to recognize famous folks are human, just like us.

But seriously, can someone explain the mental gymnastics to me? Ivanka didn’t just convert to land a rich dude—-she keeps a Kosher home and is raising her kids Jewish. And her husband isn’t just any Hebrew—-he’s a Jewish BANKER (his last name might as well be Bilderberg).

So he admits he’s a serial groper, is allowed to keep his job and he’s still complaining?

Oh my god, this was the best thing I’ve ever seen!

I didn’t even make it past the ferris wheel scene. I found Ryan Gosling’s refusal to take no for an answer HORRIFYING. I can’t believe people pretend his obnoxiousness is acceptable because he’s beautiful. If the male lead was a fat kid with acne The Notebook would’ve been a horror movie.

They’re like the JNCO version of suit pants:

I know I’m slow on the uptake, but I just realized producer Cynthia Mort is the woman who broke up Jodie Foster’s 15 year relationship.

Oh, I definitely don’t think that attitude has anything to do with the “cops are always good” mentality.

The woman who survived, Sandra Sapaugh, jumped out of his car on the highway while he was driving 70 miles per hour.

No argument, but let’s try to stay positive—-she looks great for 33:)

Not to be unkind, but the only women who’ve slept with Trump in decades are gold-diggers, and gold-diggers don’t have abortions—-they have babies for the monthly support check.

Up his ass sideways!