
Just want to say - I am intimately involved with this surivivor movement. And two of the women, Andrea and Annie, that were portrayed in Hunting Ground and brought on stage tonight are awful awful people. They have used countless survivors’ stories, including my own, to further their own agenda. Neither of them went

I mean, maybe Flo from the progressive commercials makes enough money like that. I know people who have acted in national commercials, and they live in walk-ups with roommates. I have no clue about the contracts, but I think he’d have to be the national face of a large series of ads to afford his lifestyle, and that’s

it was hinted that a substantial amount of his money was from the residuals from one highly successful go-gurt commercial.

The letter writer puts this issue in the proper perspective, for me.

I love her idea that “everyone is more or less accepted” is good enough in terms of equality. “Eh, everyone is more or less accepted, I think we can call it a day."

I haven’t gotten down to the cafe yet, but it’s on my to-do list.

Either you support rape victims or you do not. That includes when the rapist is someone you admire, and the victim is someone you might not want to get coffee with. You still support the victim, and you fucking believe what they say.

I usually try to lay off Clinton while commenting here (this is a new burner,) but this audio of her laughing about the tricks she used to get a likely child rapist off the hook has really soured me on her. I used to be fine with the idea of voting for her if Bernie didn’t get the nomination; now, I really can’t

Tyga’s diamond is ruining Kylie’s life.