
Gotta stop this whole burning man is for the rich thing. Yes, there are people with money out there, lots of them. But the majority are just regular people, in a van, a rented RVs, people car camping. But the camps and tech bros whatever the fuck that is, get the attention.
This is not a rich sport. Tickets are

You expect me to believe a single guy named Ray traced that whole game?

I’ve actually been that guy- I stopped to help ducklings that couldn’t make it over the curb to follow their mom. Those little fuckers do not want to be caught. I stopped my car behind them and used it as my traffic blocker.

That said, I’m of the opinion that there’s no such thing as an accident in a car- there’s

Hook rules. Stop trying to make it a bad movie.

I got a Westworld intro vibe off of it, which I may be alone in.  Not in them being structurally similar, but that they felt like they were designed by the same person / people.

If you let people make a habit of not doing “simple” things like signaling, stopping at stop signs, etc. then they do it over and over until it causes an accident. And it probably won’t be the offending driver who gets hurt either, but instead the pedestrian or cyclist they hit. This unfortunate behaviour needs to

No love for “This Old House??” it shows you how to DO the remodels.

I mean, here we let people utilize our laws, resources, economic system, patent/trademark/copyright protections, etc. to accumulate enough wealth to literally shoot themselves into space for fucking fun, while we simultaneously rely on crowdfunding to pay for children’s cancer diagnoses.

With the huge love of making nearly everything a video on this site - you describe this technique in words?

I dislike exclusives in any context as much as the next guy, but there’s a significant difference between buying smaller studios and funding their new exclusive projects yourself (Sony) and buying juggernaut studios so you can lock down their already dominant IPs (MS).

5) Pro Bono

I watched so you don’t have to:
1 month of expenses in checking minimum

All of this to me seems to be someone who is convinced that being youth is intrinsically better than age, and that everyone who is old somehow wants to hide it and appear young.

She speaks for the Administration, not herself. And saying abortion instead of pro choice gives the Republicans this talking point:

Obviously Biden winning is important—but it’s just going to be tough to get anything done with another completely obstructionist Senate. We’re 1000% not getting any Federal Court appointments of any kind, and there’s no legislation going through, short of (possibly) a corporate/rich people-handjob disguised as a

Yeah, what happened to “I like people who weren’t captured sick”?

You’d never show up to work without a smile. Or able to hear your coworkers. Win-win.

Reason number 256034 I won’t be buying an Xbox:

We’re so excited to find out what set of outdated cultural expectations our baby will be subjected to, neither drought nor pandemic will stop us from blowing something up!!

I have never attended and I never will.