
Another reason for the sharp spike in divorce during the 70s was the recent liberalization of the divorce laws. Previously most states required cause, which required a lot of effort and expense to document the cause. Even then, the judge might possibly rule that the requirement for cause hadn't been met. Once no-fault

This. A thousand times, this.

Also, how many people Black Friday shopping are really, actually poor? I would posit not many. Poor people probably have to work.

In the US, there's the Duty of Fair Representation, where the union is legally obligated to represent any person covered under the union contract, whether they are actually a member of the union or not. If they fail to perform that duty, they can be sued by the employee whom they failed to represent. Don't know how it

Ah, but for Christmas, you can buy a genuine Japanese Wagyu ribeye roast for the low, low prices of $1199.99!

Is it just too difficult to read the label and realize that Wisconsin Parmesan is not (shocker!) the same thing as genuine Italian-source Parmesan? C'mon.

Much of your advice is ridiculous. Harsh, but true. Good cooking is from scratch, yes, and scratch/home cooking always includes reusing ingredients (leftovers). Heck, we even did it at the bakeries I worked at - stale breads and cakes were 'crumbed out' to become the main ingredient in our hugely popular frosted

Girls Like Us is a fabulous book about three female singer-songwriters of the 60s-70s who made it big: Carole King, Joni Mitchell and Carly Simon. It is a fabulous read and would have made a terrific biopic.

I screamed so loud after seeing that photo, my nearly-deaf mother heard and came running. Congratulations: you squicked out two old ladies.

Maybe Camille Cosby is standing by Bill for a reason entirely different than one considered out here. Maybe she believes him. Not because it's rational, but because it's easier to believe the word of a person you know and love than it is to believe the word of a stranger, or 15.

So Shane, be sure to tell us who will do an online price match for the $99.99 Asus notebook that Staples will be offering (in person only). That's the only thing I really want from all of this year's BF ads, but it'll be below freezing and snowing, so I don't wanna spend my T-day afternoon standing outside to score

So Shane, be sure to tell us who will do an online price match for the $99.99 Asus notebook that Staples will be

Billy Bragg very kindly made a free appearance at a rally held by my local union, when one of our members just made a call to the local venue he was appearing at and asked him if he'd do it. He performed a few numbers and spoke on the benefits of trade unionism. He's a great guy in my book.

Back when I was in junior high school (the 70s) we had a similar situation in our town. Everyone knew about it: that the dad and brother were having sex with their daughter/sister. Even the mom knew about it. Nobody did anything.

In this case, rape hysteria would be more like it. Believe it or not, date rape drugs were completely unheard of back then. The song never had rape implications until young people of this era heard it for the first time and interpreted it via their own era's cultural perspective.

You're correct. This is social revisionism at its worst. It wasn't a rape song, regardless of the frantic hand-wringing of people too young to have lived in that era, and who are guilty of applying contemporary standards to the past.

As a kid raised RC who attended Catholic school in the 60s (post Vatican II), I wish like hell for the return of the liberal, enlightened Vatican II church. I still disagreed with the Church's stance on women, but they were so much more open and accepting. Most importantly, the Church in those days took seriously its

I'd say it's far more likely that the woman was in such a rage lather that she didn't want to admit she was wrong.

Do you know how these "shrink creams" actually work? They dry out your pussy so there's more friction when you are being penetrated by a cock

But why? Because Joan Rivers called Michelle Obama "tranny," a slur, in the saddest scrap of a joke back in July and Alex Jones hopped on that shit.

So Mariah's crew go into bathrooms whose air contains stuff like poop particles thrown up from flushing toilets, dump out the gingerale and replace it with wine. Gotta vomit.