
I've changed how I eat and I've lost a lot of weight as a result. I went to high school in the 1970s, when I was a size eighteen. Measurement-wise, what was a size eighteen back then is now a size fourteen. I was all proud of myself for getting into size twelve pants recently, until I found the size comparison chart.

My black cat was named Fuzzy Hot Rod at the shelter. I renamed him Andy.

Dear Prudie,

How would they stop you from going to all the voting centers and voting multiple times?

Ideally, the Gawker powers-that-be will take this seriously enough to begin taking the necessary steps to block IPs.

I support unions but I hate that they shelter the lazy bums and bad seeds.

Eager Beaver... Carter's Caboose...

More like the guy got territorial and wanted to claim his property. That's what the full custody was all about. That, and the chance to mind fuck his ex once again.

(This made the rounds online shortly after the Lewinsky scandal. Unfortunately, I don't know who to attribute it to.)

My former boss believed that since he owned the business, he owned everything inside it, including his employees' lunches and sodas. I solved it by buying a lockbox large enough to hold my lunch and drinks, which I labeled with my name and stored in the fridge. I ended up having to use it at my next job, where the

As a patient, trying to get a decent sleep can be very trying, what with the constant corridor traffic and conversation. A very useful gift to a patient is a couple pairs of earplugs and a sleep mask. A tube of lip balm comes in handy, too.

My mom had a total of eight kid, including twins (my sister and me) when she was thirty five. She had two more kids after that, the last one when she was 41. She's now 89 and looks in her late 60s. Her physical health is great. So yeah, I think there's something to this. I suppose it also support the adage that that

The best part of this image is my US Senator, Al Franken, just to the right of the box.

I just burst out laughing. Has anyone for real found a ROCK in their food?

if you are not a parent, shut the fuck up about parenthood.

It's not about sex, it's about control - control over one's children. And that means not ever letting them have the opportunity to talk to another adult about how their parents treat them, and/or how their parents behave.

"Cis" is a term not taken well in the LGB community, since it sounds like a slur for effiminate men. Plus, the whole thing about one group deciding it's okay to create a label for another group. Call yourselves whatever you please, but that doesn't give you the right to apply labels to others.

When I was about their age, my friends and I spent a considerable amount of time messing with a Ouija board. We developed an ongoing relationship with a 'spirit' named ZN, who was simultaneously smart, funny and frightening as hell. We were promised the world if we did what he wanted, we were threatened with horrible

If John calls, it'll be from the great beyond, since he passed a few years back. But you make a good point: I first read the Mothman Prophecies when I was about fifteen. Couldn't put it down, so it was well past midnight by the time I finished it.

Multi-level marketing schemes, such as Amway and Herbalife. They rely on the sucker recruiting endless numbers of greater fools to join the original fool's "downline" (subsidiary salespeople) and also to purchase the products. The overwhelming majority of people who get sucked into an MLM scheme alienate all their