
@Thus Spake Kate is a Goth Detective: Same here. I'd thought we were going to hear his perspective on the endless debate about what it means that Diamond's Jewish but released two Christmas albums. Some people get really worked up over that.

@OracleofGomorrah: "Unconscionable" isn't just hyberbole, it's a legal term meaning the terms of the contract were so unbalanced, so unfair to one party, that no reasonable person would've proposed it and no reasonable person would've accepted it. So the contract will be scrutinized and compared to those signed by

I wonder why they bothered to do this when they had our own armed forces to use as test subjects. Seriously, Dr. Ben Kean wrote in his memoir about being stationed in Germany at the end of WWII and how penicillin, being in short supply, was restricted to Allied troops and the prostitutes that served them. German

A safety point these students failed to mention is: if you're gonna throw a big party, hire security to monitor who gets into the party. At least two of these assaults were perpetrated by non-students who entered the frat house and robbed and assaulted party-goers. This has become much more frequent over the past

@grzydj: I first heard of it going on there back in the 70s and I didn't think it ever stopped.

@grumpygirl: We've always referred it as "public hair" in our family.

"So, Mr. Breitbart, what'd you think of my audition?"

@sariana: I have a good, satisfying revenge story of my own. I was eighteen, on my first boyfriend. We'd broken up, then reconnected a year later. It was going good. I was finally at the point of admitting to myself that I was really, truly serious about this man. Three days later, he dumps me. Six weeks later, I find

Why not a "2 Balls, 1 Out" promotion encouraging men to flash their testicles and peen for testicular or prostate cancer research? I'd love to vote for the "Biggest Bat" in the dugout, knowhatimean?

@andromache: Alternately, it may indicate a preference for flagrant sexual signals of arousal, since when the hair's gone it's much easier to see her vulva all swollen and pink. Which would be an adult preference. Especially if you're a baboon.

@Valkyrie607: And how do you explain the depiction of male porn stars with brazilians? That's the point we never seem to discuss whenever this topic resurrects: guys in porn shave, too. Which is leading to non-pornstar men shaving or trimming themselves. Which is a great thing, IMO.

@RenoMartini: That's exactly what it's all about with the right wing. No so much hypocrisy as their extreme sense of entitlement. Hence their never-ceasing efforts to divide this country into their group (self-defined as the only *real* Americans) and everyone else.

@lollapulizer: It's not about truth, it's about propaganda. And it's most likely not small businesses behind it. That was the same line used to supposedly explain who put up the "Miss me yet?" Bush billboard in Minnesota.

@WhoGonnaCheckMeBoo: I'm fat, and I'd go along with a policy where the airline installed a few rows of wider seats and priced them higher. Require passengers who don't fit the standard seats to buy a seat in the wider row, permit passengers who are willing to pay for more room to buy those seats, too.

@DorothyBarker: So if they don't use assigned seating, how's a person who has bought two seats for his/herself supposed to ensure that s/he actually ends up with two adjacent seats?

@rodmanstreet: She looks like that crazy birther woman Orly Taitz. (shiver)

@clairedeloony: I've been thin and I've been fat, and it really messed with my mind that people always treated me much more nicely when I was thin.

@LaBelleDerbySansMerci: Not to mention that a highly likely eventual next step in this family is, after the g-parents raise the grandkid for five or six or ten years, mom finally decides to settle down somewhere else with someone new, and takes her kid with her. Which traumatizes her kid and the g-parents, and leads

A generation goes by and Elvis gossip is rediscovered all over again. Albert Goldman covered this in delicious detail in his 1981 biography of Presley. Of course, Goldman at the time was widely accused of making up shit in his biographies of Lennon and Elvis, but with the passage of years his material has turned out