@pileofmonkeys: Could be he figured claiming not to remember was less awkward than owning up to it.
@pileofmonkeys: Could be he figured claiming not to remember was less awkward than owning up to it.
@AlexanderL: There's a photo of plastic surgeon hubby at the site carrying the original article (in Romanian). He's pudgy, balding, and 15 years older than his wife.
@Cellotape: We may not all be parents, but we were all children. Thus, the "you don't understand, because you're not a parent" argument is bull, because we've all been kids and understand what being kids means from firsthand experience.
@SevenNationArmy has truth tourettes: I'd rather have teenagers trick-or-treating than being out getting into trouble. We should be happy if older kids want to hang on to their childhoods a bit longer. It's certainly better than them getting into adult pastimes a bit too soon. #candy
@Flackette Goes Retro: Back in the early 70s my big sister had one of her teachers call our mom and ask for permission to date my big sister. Mom said no.
@thePrototype: In sports, there are referees. I doubt there's many refs working s&m dungeons.
@thePrototype: As I understand it, the argument challenging the reality of massive ejaculation shots is that if most of the fluid isn't coming from the bladder, where is it coming from? What other organ in that part of a woman's body accumulates and stores so much fluid that a good cup at a time can get squirted out?
@cheshirecatfish: Not always true.
@mwynn13: I had an endometrial ablation performed after ending up in the hospital with severe anemia due to excessive menstrual bleeding. I had the hot-water method - under sedation you first get a D&C to thin the lining, then near-boiling water is placed into the uterus for a few minutes. You wake up with bad…
@ArtfulSlinger: The people who are supporting Polanski should be calling for Manson's release on the same basis. As in Polanski's case, the crime Manson was convicted of happened a long time ago. Hasn't he suffered enough? Shouldn't Polanski ask the same consideration for Charlie that he expects for himself?
@Pantra: Hello - that was the Michael Jackson modus operandi in all his cases. Victim intimidation, payoffs, and smear campaigns. Hollywood to a large extent went along with it, because nobody wants to to turn a cash cow into a pariah if they can avoid it. Easier to just turn away and go along with the 's/he asked…
John's awful parenting and Mackenzie's feral upbringing almost certainly were factors in their sexual relationship. But I have a strong suspicion that John was holding her drug supply over her head to coerce compliance. He was part of a drug ring that procured and distributed pharmaceutical-grade drugs. He had the…
Perhaps they have no money because their funds were transferred to allies to render OR judgment-proof. Just in case Dr. Tiller's family files a civil suit against OR.
@RollRoll: Here's to the Sun God!
@schweppes: I can think of one sure-fire way this'll make sex less pleasurable for the woman. Just like a spermicide, guys are gonna complain it tastes effin' nasty. So the guy'll refuse to perform oral, or limits it to beforehand.
@Porcelina: Jesse didn't run the state while in office. It was an open secret that Commissioner of Finance Pam Wheelock ran things while Jesse pranced, peeved, and postured.
@SmallbutMighty: According to radio doctor Dean Edell, overweight people tend to have stronger bones and muscles, because they're doing weigh bearing exercise All.The.Time.
@Macloserboy: Heck, in post-WWII occupied Germany, while epidemics cut through the civilian population, the occupying forces reserved their precious and limited supplies of penicillin for two groups: troops and prostitutes. German mothers raged at the occupiers who made curing hookers of the clap a priority over…
@lilbobbytables: My niece goes to an alternative school for kids who are the victims of bullying. And there, they turn on each other. I wasn't surprised, because in some cases of bullying, the problem is exacerbated by the victim's poor social skills. A socially clueless kid can antagonize other kids without ever…
@par3: Yes. She's very talented. And super relaxed, apparently.