Just as scary as the Bachzombie is Tim Tingelstad, who's running for a seat on the Minnesota Supreme Court on a god 'n glory ticket. He's pushing a "Liberty In Truth" petition that basically states that all law and government must be interpreted through a Christian viewpoint, because only the christian god is real,…
This takes me back. Years ago a guy sat down next to a female patron at our library and exposed himself. She came to the desk to report it. While dialing the cops, the reference librarian asked her if she could provide a description, and the patron replied, "Well....he had a really big —- watch."
At least in the US, children have a legal right to financial support from both parents, even if the pregnancy was unplanned and unwanted by either parent. If a woman really doesn't want a father in the picture, keep it legally uncomplicated and use an official sperm donor. Anything else is unfair to the child.
I'm getting a strong Stevie Nicks vibe on this on.
Remember the discussion a few weeks ago about giving funding to post-abortion counseling centers? THIS type of informational blog is what deserves financial support. Over time, pro-choicers allowed the antichoicers to back them into a corner with the apologetic acknowledgement that abortion is, you know, not good, but…
I know a woman who's so good at chestercise, she can now move each breast independently of the other. In fact, her breasts can count from one to ten. I asked her if she ever gives guys her phone number that way...
Actually, folks, Bobbie Gentry wrote and first had a hit with 'Fancy' back in 1970. She also wrote and sang the hit 'Ode to Billie Joe'.
@Babyhands: Check out the Full Frontal Friday blog. Every Friday, nude shots of male celebrities. Because naked female celeb photos are so easy to find, the blogger decided women needed a place online to find celebrity peen.
Do ya think he's sixty?
@Alipaps: These people are not your friends. I'm afraid you're going to have to cut them out of your life, too. I wouldn't bother giving them any explanations since they have shown complete disregard for your wishes and for your sense of fear.
The oldest still-performing male porn star in the US is Dave Cummings, who is 68. He wrote a great essay on what it takes for a man to make it in the adult film industry. He explains in great detail how it don't come easy.
Here's a horribly sexist 60s-era hit sung by a woman:
A few points. About ten years ago or so one of the better known sex writers (Annie Sprinkle? Suzie Bright?) wrote about bringing a vibrator into the delivery room and getting herself off while giving birth, so this concept isn't terribly new.
Oh, God, between Karl and Lady Bunny we've got a remake of the Addams Family comin' right up.
Here's what I don't understand: labia are rich with nerve endings. So are peens, obviously. Nipples, too. So why in the HELL do some owners of these exquisitely sensitive body parts opt for surgery to make those parts LOOK different? My body parts are to make ME happy and feel good. If you don't like how they look,…
Cracker Barrel. The company that put out a memo saying that people who didn't demonstrate 'normal heterosexual values' couldn't work there. Who fired employees and noted on their notice of termination 'employee is gay'. Who took twelve years to realize that was wrong, and magnanimously decide to let gays work for them…
Thanks, people, for making me relive a childhood trauma.
The scariest/most depressing part of this story: there are women out there who are every bit as pathologically hypocritical about abortion as this man is. And they're supportive of scumbag men like this one.
Hey, I never left home. I grew up and bought the house from my widowed mom, and she retained a life interest in it. She's in her eighties and it's as though I parent her.