
@socalsnarkstress: Oh, god. How did I forget the gun incident with my stalker? Probably because I so very much want to.

I, too have had a couple of these control freak stalker types in my life. If you haven't experienced it, take it from me that this behavior is an ominous sign of perceived ownage: the guy believes he has gained the right to intrude upon and run your life. He gets mucho put out when you put him straight. It results in

Oh, this brings back memories of a post by a woman on another forum. She enjoyed nursing so much, after her kid was weaned she hired herself out as a self-described milkmaid to breastfeed other adults - mostly men - who had regular appointments to show up at her house and latch on. She said she had plenty more milk

Back in the 1970s feminists held assertiveness trainings to teach women how to speak their minds. Thirty years later, it seems the need is still there.

Sheesh. My mom raised eight kids (including one set of twins) single-handed. My dad worked in a factory on rotating shifts, so he helped when he could, but that was canceled out by all the days he was home asleep and she had to do her darndest to keep us all quiet. Then he died of cancer and left her alone to finish

Years ago I got a frantic phone call from a sister of mine who worked near an auto mechanics shop. A mom mallard had walked through the parking lot and over a storm drain's grill, and all the ducklings but two fell through the grill. Poor mom duck and ducklings peeped and peeped. Mom duck finally gave up and went away

Female genius/assholes:

I don't get the idea that bare skin equals some sort of pedophilic kink. The logical extension of that argument would be to similarly associate shaved armpits and legs with a kiddy fetish.

I shave bare because the vulva is an erogenous zone, which means being able to touch it really enhances the sensations. Sex with a full bush is like playing the piano while wearing gloves.

Unless the community is disbanded and everyone is integrated into the rest of the US population, the community - and its mores - will resurrect itself. Removing just the adult men won't work, because the boys will then take charge, emulate the behavior of the community's former adult males, and the mothers and girls

Oh, does this take me back. All the way back to high school in the 1970s. I had an English teacher who insisted on bringing his religion into his classroom, so I made it my semester-long game to bait him by bringing sex into his classroom. I accomplished this by choosing sex and trash fiction for all my reading and

So theoretically, if polygamy were legal, it'd be consensual.

I always find it funny and strange to be approached by recruiters for various patriarchal, sexist religions. It's just so...incongruous. A major tenet of their faith is that I, being female, am unable to make major decisions about my life, at least not without the "guidance" of whatever male is supposed to be in

For the love of God, Montresor!

Boy, it's like reading about the anorexics vs. the fat-acceptance crowd, isn't it? In both cases, you have some folks who indulge too much, some who refuse to indulge at all (or nearly so), the big middle group who everyone ignores because they're not interesting. They, after all, are simply getting what they

Oh, dear. It appears the little girl was betrayed not just by her stepdad, but by her mother, too. Her mom had the opportunity after the first offense to stand by her daughter - but chose instead to support the molester of her daughter, first by marrying him (after he'd molested her daughter), then by asking

Humor's what I use to sublimate my sex drive. You can tell I'm horny when I won't stop cracking jokes.

Well, compared to the rags that women used to layer under their skirts, that frequently leaked and spotted, that women would have to secretly wash and tie to the bedsprings under their bed to dry because they were too shameful a thing to hang where anyone could see them — yes, Kotex was a revolutionary product that

There's a great alternative to hysterectomy in many cases: endometrial ablation. The lining of the uterus is removed (usually nowdays it's burned out with hot water, sometimes it's peeled off) while you are under sedation. Result: about half the women no longer bleed, about 40% have much lighter periods. Younger women