
I think it would be appropriate and very helpful for women to start a 'conscientious oby/gyn objector' list somewhere on the internet. So women can check the list and vote with their wallets.

kcs comes across to me as someone who has major trust issues with women. Rather than recognize and deal with that as a personal problem, s/he tries to persuade the rest of the world that women in general can't be trusted.

Sheesh. This is as ridiculous as the stir a woman made in my hometown about the local radio stations playing The Who's song "Squeezebox". Why? Because one day, as she and her three-year-old daughter were on the bus, the little girl starting singing, "In and out and in and out...".

So Hopalong Heather got her payday. Which proves that when it comes to earnings potential, marrying your john is far more profitable than simply fucking him by the hour.

Heh. I misread the header for this article as 'Fire Loins' and thought, how appropriate. And what a good 'nym that would've been for me.

Oooh, boy, finally a topic I know a lot about. I wrote the FAQ for the alt.radio.talk.dr-laura usenet newsgroup, and exhaustively researched her for the FAQ. Now, I wrote it about ten years ago, but section 4 of the FAQ does give a good overview of Dr. Laura's life, career, achievements, misdeeds, and raging

And BicSharpie wins a kewpie doll for hitting the nail on the head.

@ BrooklynBeats: We should lobby for a law banning the sale of Viagra to unmarried men. After all, if they're not married, they're not supposed to be havin' the sex. We'd be protecting them by making them unable to do so, rather than letting them make the choice for themselves. After all, everyone knows how their l'il