
I spent 15 years at one job. It paid well, and was the in the field I wanted. However, I was miserable there for most of the time. Just felt like a number in a cubicle, and my opinions just didn’t matter. I kept telling myself I should leave, but my “Imposter Syndrome” told me, I wouldn’t be able to find anything

Natalie Morales is so great and I am happy for her success. I’d probably rather rewatch The Middleman than this though. Also I hope that she is in the final season of Dead to Me & gets back together with Linda Cardellini. 

So you are saying it almost “shipped” with Theseus?

so, for the White Eyed Devils that don’t seem to understand:

Ironic that the offensive line coach lost his job for tweeting out offensive lines.

Not only did Dennis Murphy throw his own staff under the bus and accused them of being too “intimidated” to save a life, he made the entire hospital look incompetent and racist.
He’s the president and CEO of IU health systems.
He’s not a leader, he’s a punk ass slimy bitch too worried about litigation versus admitting

Now playing

Question is what music will they dance to? Personally I’m hoping to see at least one breakdancer use this Skinny Puppy/Vanilla Ice mashup.

Another racist white man grabs his (courage) gun, leaves the safety of wherever and goes looking for trouble. Then claims the old “feared for my life, so he can escape all responsibility for HIS OWN decisions.

Bumb it up to first degree murder and give this albino fat ape the death penalty.

I love Carvel; as someone born in July in New England, ice cream cakes from Carvel were part and parcel of every birthday during my childhood.

White people....this is y’all king? 😂😂😂

Anyone else not getting the promo code to work? All I’m trying to buy is bulk cereal, a bluetooth speaker, and a game of Zombie Dice, and for whatever reason the promo code can’t be applied to my order V_V

Anyone else not getting the promo code to work? All I’m trying to buy is bulk cereal, a bluetooth speaker, and a

4. Has Ben Affleck ever met an autistic person?

Sounds like the normal typical behavior of anime fans that sit on the floor of Barnes and Noble and read manga for 5 hours straight.