
people here seem to forget almost everyone was awful about stodden way back when. like damn, chrissy is/was horrible, but i’m pretty sure this website(or others like it) were almost as bad when writing about them(excluding the kill yourself angle). even many of these commenters attacking CT probably said or say some

one could equate “orchestrated” as “created” and then created=lies=false, but i agree the wording makes you go hmmmm....

so m&h can have her friends rush to the media to defend her, but william cant? oh and they can talk to the media about their family issues but her family cant? i mean i understand her family is trash, but double standards are double standards. and ffs when confronted by a pap about your racist family wtf was william

i believe they’ve been together 5 years, she got him young!lol

if you hadn’t asked about hannibal i would have canceled you. thank god you did, and thank you for the clip(tho i do own the series). i love this show, recommend it to anyone and everyone, and bella’s story was so tragic and beautifully done. 

i too like dollhouse. mostly for sierra and victor oh and topher!

will the mr&mrs smith remake end up like ryan reynolds remaking clue?(i had a facebook memory about that 3 years ago wonder where that remake is....)

britney spears lives a life better than most of ours in a mansion and hasnt worked in 3 years. she gets to go on tropical vacations, even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, and basically wants for nothing. do people not remember sam lufti and that adnan creep from back in the day? her father’s involvement has kept

smg’s post is a non response. and her earlier one saying she doesnt comment on personal lives? also a non response. i dont know why people are acting like shes this great force coming to charisma’s defense. 

i loved how the tv show UnReal spoofed the bachelor and him.  iirc he was not a fan, lol.

just skip over that whole teacher affair nonsense...

they dont actually say cardi b won, just that it was dismissed with prejudice(according to tmz). 

plus he didnt care that his costar wore her mask below her nose while standing right next to a maskless him

but what about the photos from october where his own costar wasnt correctly wearing her mask? it was under her nose while standing right next to him without a mask, why no outrage over that? cuz she’s higher on the food chain?

and where are the other people from suits? not saying theyre not talented, but theyre not blowing up all the screens either.

i knda agree? i think for one it comes down in their attitudes after they get the responses they dont like. if they react with hostility and the refusal to accept FACTS they dont like, well......

at the beginning of covid, evangaline lily(sp?) tweeted about not isolating going for play dates/kids soccer games cuz you still gotta live your lives nonsense. i know people wanted her “cancelled” but dont remember if she was in the end, so much more has happened since.

the thing i dont get about celebrity skincare/makeup/fashion lines, is that the celeb themselves do not use their own products. especially the ones for the lower cost lines. like, they’ll occasionally use a product or two, and always insta about it, but they are not using it daily as their only regimen. 

is antm’s first winner a has been? i mean, she sells avon now, but claims to be the nation’s top online seller. which she sells in videos where she rants and raves against the lefties and obama and blm and antifa. whenever anyone points out her fallacies, she screeches that theyre brainwashed and need to “research”.

nothing christmas until after rememberance day, its disrespectful.