
all they said was it was “against their standards”

facebook has funny (double) standards. i’m half white/half native. my cats are very picky eaters who wont eat anything salmon based, so i called them “piss poor indians” in my status, then i tried to update it to call them “white trash” since i got them from my (white) uncle. white trash was against their

best “make over” scene? seth green in the 90's flick airborne. so funny.

want to see a whackadoodle take on tiktok? check out antm’s adrrieanne curry’s facebook. she claims if you use the app, you support concentration camps, child sex trafficking and organ harvesting. oh, and she’s anti-blm, anti-china and spouts trumpian buzzwords while claiming to be a “moderate”

i saw a cashierwearing a face shield that was actually fitted like a mask. it was rather neat because it didnt seem to touch much of his face, but offered more protection than a large full face shield. shouldve asked him where they get them. it was at a triple o’s restaurant/drive thru joint

where are theroot articles on this? deadspin was good, didnt even use the slur of a name in their reporting(only time ive seen that on this topic) but have no comment sections. i want to read some insightful comments on this topic, not the facebook/news sites full of assholes saying not to change it

if that doesnt break your heart, then you have no soul. i cry just reading it. that poor sweet innocent young man, taken way too soon.

check out the movie Thursday. its a little tarantino knock off, but she’s in it.

i thought it was Kevin?

an Italian nurse killed herself after testing positive because she felt so much guilt over infecting her patients.

youre actually defending the child who talks about his family that way in order to gain followers? 

20+ years ago when i was in high school, my name was turned into a racial slur(squaw-na). when i told teachers and administrators about this, the reply i got was “so-and-so cant be racist, he just wrote an essay on racism”. the bullying continued until i punched a guy in the face in 10th grade(for the most part).  i

he did admit it tho. he had his lawyers make the statement that while he thought the sex was consensual at the time, he later realized she didnt consider it consensual. no consent = rape.

ok, the royal couple wants to get away from the intrusive(and racist) press so the best way you idiots show your support is to report on every little thing they do a hundred times a day. seems legit.

yeah we have the gross pics. but then we get customers that demand they get a different pack with less offending pics. smh.

yeah, labeling is gonna happen, just hopefully the less experienced staff will take the effort to put things where they belong.

meanwhile in canada, they havent decided anything on vapes yet, but next month we will switch to plain package tobacco products. every single pack or tin of snuff, will be brown package with gray/white lettering. every. single. pack. what a pain in the ass(i dont smoke, but sell, and everyone refers to their brand by

iirc, she wanted to still perform, she still craves the attention. i am pretty sure that her father is not the one making her out to be a dancing monkey so he can make bank. thats the narrative blogs and articles like this want to sell because it creates clicks, regardless of the actual truth. like i said before, if

idk, have you seen how horrible she looks on her twitter/social media? 

did you also miss the part in the tmz article where it stated if it wasnt for jamie, brit would be worse off? or does that not fit your narrative of how awful he is? if anything this ruling proves the court knows a hell of a lot more about this situation than you do...