
Twitter sucks and I want nothing to do with it. Thank you to all who gave kind words and support. See you on Instagram.

On the one hand, those jokes weren’t even close to being funny enough to be excusable.

OH, no doubt. They’re entertaining. I'm a big fan of Martin Czokas too. I dont bash an actor for their choices. If I dont like a particular movie they’re in, I dont dislike their entire catalog.

But someone does suffer. The business is losing money. You’ve just deemed their suffering inconsequential.

Ah, so I was right that you’ll keep trying - and failing - to justify it. How did I know?!?

Why does taking a stance that stealing is wrong no matter what make one some kind of uber-capitalist? You’re the one talking profit margins. The people saying it’s wrong are talking about morality.

Can’t you ask the restaurant?

“The fact that you have worked in multiple bars that charge for water makes me question your judgment more than anything.”

That doesn’t answer the question. You said that you think I am wrong that it is up to the business to decide their prices and what they do and do not charge for, and not the customer. For what reason do you believe it is up to the customer to decide a restaurant’s prices and what they do and do not charge for?

“I see someone is struggling in the unflavored soda water business.”

If you want a water, order a water. If you want a soda water, order a soda water. It’s that simple.

None of what you wrote here makes stealing not wrong. And if you don’t understand giving a shit either way, try running your own business and see how you feel about people stealing from you simply because they think they shouldn’t have to pay for products that you are selling.

For what it’s worth, soda is usually the highest margin product on a fast food menu, to the point that a lot of the dollar menu type items are loss leaders, where they hope you need a beverage to go with it to make money or break even. Taking something you don’t pay for is stealing and it’s bad. 

The questions have been insipid pap since this column started. If it’s any consolation, the answers are consistently even worse.

At my restaurant, soda water costs $1.50. Whatever the owners reasoning is for charging it, if you drink it, you have to pay for it. It is very odd to me that patrons seem to think that making up/disputing charges on what you consume at a restaurant is legit. My last workplace got a Yelp! review in which the guy

Is it wrong? Yes. Do most restaurants care? Not unless they’re a Mom n Pop type place, in which case it is extra wrong b/c they need those pennies to fight Big Corporate Franchise that moved in 3 doors down. Does the manager of Dunkin Donuts care that the staff always throw a few free munchkins in my bag b/c I’m nice?

I always hate that line of criticism. If Denzel wants to coast through some low-key action movies, who are you to judge? It’s his life, his career. He doesn’t owe anybody shit.

Hahaha nice try Dowd, I’m going to watch this a thousand times. 

I really do not care if this is an Oscar level performance.

Wait, Denzel’s character moved from Boston to Brooklyn?