
i actually didnt mind the new death wish(tho i did kinda wish for more deaths, heh). it gave what it advertised. same with equalizer 1 and 2. you got what the trailer told you and i liked it.

started a buffy the vampire slayer rewatch. got as far as season 4 which was so bad, i wondered why i watched/loved in the first place. man that season was awful with the beer episode, and whole riley/initiative storyline. ugh. has any show of this era aged well? because the ones i think of (buffy, smallville,

i loved jack-jack vs raccoon, lol. and armageddon is good fun. michael clarke duncan was a treasure, also love him in the whole nine yards. i laughed so much during that movie.

tmz has the story of why she was arrested...

tmz actually has the story. they kidnapped, beat and stripped some actors forcing one to withdraw thousands from their bank. weird that tmz has more “breaking news” than most news sites.

watching brooklyn nine-nine. i’m on season 4, wished the very special episode about racism with terry(which was great) had a tv ending and not a realistic one.

why are people so afraid of the word cunt?

it took me so long to figure out why i recognized french zombie annoyance. i didnt use imdb cuz i was being lazy, lol. he was mercury in the episode hammer of the gods for supernatural. good episode, and his character was kinda annoying there too.

hasnt one of the women quoted by cnn already called out cnn? and not freeman? she basically said yeah, it was a joke kinda thing iirc.

thats when my friend realized what they were singing, lol.

i have to watch again. laughed so much i missed some stuff. plus, to verify that the rednecks in the beginning are really the actors imdb says they are, cuz i dont see it. but the vanisher one was so fast i really didnt believe it!

i had to point out to my friend what the lyrics of the operatic music during an action scene(and during the credits) where.

he auditioned for aquaman.

i dont see chemistry either. i did the first season, now, not so much. i think they took too long to get them together.

re-watching archer after seeing the trailer for danger island. need to laugh. every time i read the news i cry because almost every story relates to the bus accident with the jr hockey team back east in saskatchewan.

i believe smallville did stuff like this too. with that character played by that actress that is going be arrested soon for running a sex cult.

he placed the camera before she showed up with her dad, didnt he>? i watched it late, cant remember exactly.

ok, one way this episode kinda bothered me was the whole quinn august hook up. first, a couple of trysts and now he has feelings? wtf? and the whole you pick a contestant every season? this is the first season with male contestants so........

i guess it depends on the meds, lol.

i just realized that now, i really am a heel. d’oh. i blame lack of sleep and new meds. my bad!