
I doubt it. She probably hid when the doorbell rang because burglars always ring the doorbell first. And she doesn’t know shit about who she’s voting for. She just checks their political affiliation. 

Dude, it is their own freaking family members robbing their own houses.

Well, the Catholic Church didn’t kick out any of the priests that abused living children’s bodies so I doubt they’ll kick out the priest that abused a dead woman’s body and family. 

Meanwhile, these same self-appointed neighborhood watch losers continue to get robbed blind by people they know. If there’s one characteristic that I would appoint to practically all white people is the inability to do proper risk assessment.

If this had been black on white crime” there would be 5 dead black men...

The fact that they did this shit with cops able to watch and verify is a huge troubling sign, with the second being that the cops basically did nothing other then give them a ticket to appear. If this had been black on white crime, the fucking cops would have called in motherfucking Blue Thunder to hose them down

I’m. ....... gonna wait for more info before I pass judgement here. Kidnapping is a serious charge. And a 1M$ bond sounds like some serious s went down on her part.

I live in Canada and typically I’d expect stores to never have public bathrooms, but for restaurants and gas stations to always have them. (And in most places the public bathroom would be separate from the employee bathroom)

Pretty sure you mean a fourth season of Animal Kingdom. The third season is airing now (and it is awesome).

Once again, I am stunned at the cross-over look among BBQ Becky, Pool Patrol Paula and Permit Patty. Blatant, gross, rabid racism does something predictable to the features? 

A lot (probably the vast majority at a subconscious level) of cis hetero Christian white people conflate community with a bounded geographic location and ownership of the geographic location along with it’s social norms and culture. Everyone else is either an invited visitor who needs to assimilate or invader who

The incident was yet another in a growing cadre of white women video recorded threatening to call police on black people doing such mundane, everyday things as cooking out, selling bottled water, napping, going to the pool, and ordering a meal.

Stephanie doesn’t seem to understand the word “community.”  She seems to be suffering from a common belief among white people like her that it is somehow “her” pool. And the fact that no one else stood up and stopped the bitch from pushing those kids around is shameful but in no way surprising.

Goddamn, what a handsome gentleman.

I have seen the trailer for this movie at least 15 times this year. I cannot wait until July 27th when I never have to see it ever again.

I really got to hand it to Terry Crews for coming out about this stuff, and sticking to his guns. It really helps emphasize that this sort of abuse effects everyone, and should be fought against by everyone.

Thanks Terry. <3

Del Toro and Brolin are positioned as the cool anti-heroes who gets things done. Emily Blunt’s character does zero to forward the plot except get picked up by a cartel double agent and cry about the rules not being followed.

Life must be great when your parents can buy you a career.

You had me (running out the door) at “Jaden Smith”.