Objectively Fantastic

Exactly. I only know four people who use G+. A Google employee and his girlfriend, and another geek and his girlfriend. I'm not sure how long Google plans to keep the charade going.

I don't associate them with douches, just libertarian awkward nerds who think they look cool with it, but actually look terrible. I'm acquaintances with quite a few people who belong(ed) to my college's scifi club. Neckbeard tabletop-game type guys. They loved their fedoras (and/or trilbys, I don't know) for a

I'm not sure that I've ever seen more than a clip or two from Antiques Roadshow, but thanks to this article I'm really interested to watch more.

I went through Minneapolis on a road trip a couple of years ago, and that was the only attraction I knew of there. We went. Probably would not bother to go back.

We're talking about spoilers for future episodes, not about being able to follow the plot when you missed part of it.

I started the series entirely when S2 came out and followed along with the S1 reviews here. I was grateful that no one really broke the spoiler rules on those articles. Think of the people from the future!

"Why do they get free stuff and I don't when I'm working so hard!"

My buddy has the equivalent of a bronze HMO through his employer, so we checked the Covered CA shop page to see if he could get something better. I'm skeptical that the cheapest Bronze plan we saw at $2076/year premium plus $60 copays and $5k deductible is very affordable, particularly in a high cost city like Los

I actually hadn't heard the original until after the cover came out, and I like the cover more.

It's very 80s, but Frontiers is a great album. Journey's my biggest guilty musical pleasure.

I flush tampons as well, and I'm not likely to stop til I actually encounter a plumbing problem. I normally use pads, anyway.

I haven't heard of anyone in the first list, and only Justin Timberlake, My Bloody Valentine, and Daft Punk out of the second. I'm still trying to figure out who California's "favorite artist" Bonobo is from that map last week.

Well, this wasn't what I expected. By the end I was questioning whether I had remembered incorrectly that Blume was the author of the Fudge books. I was under the impression that those were her most famous/beloved books other than Margaret, but they're not even mentioned in the intro summary on her Wikipedia page

Seinfeld has become so crotchety. He's also said that he doesn't like the "modern Seinfeld" Twitter jokes.

Oh so THAT'S what "Sugar We're Going Down" is about? I honestly had no idea until now.

All I heard from the adults in my life before/during college was that college was the ticket to great success. And people are gonna hand you jobs just for the name recognition of this famous university you went to!

I too chose the taco and received Beck.

Eh, I picked paradox and I got Shirley.

I got C-3PO in one of the recent Star Wars quizzes. When I read the description I realized it was entirely accurate, unfortunately.

I got Shirley Manson, amusingly.