Tigernan Quinn

No no, faking your death with unreliable poison is exactly what this wedding of two teenagers who've known each other a week needed.

I was that for last Halloween. I can report it is exactly as fun as it looks.

I love this soundtrack - but yeah, it is overwrought as f*ck.

So far I'm not a fan.

Yeah, I guess it's not possible that people could go and watch something for the sheer entertainment of it. People go to the circus all the time too, and monster truck shows, and sometimes fireworks, or just to watch a quiet river. You ever chime in on the plot, how much it sucks, and how they wasted their money on

"Fanboys"? Hello, visitor from 1999. Did you know we have the Internet on computers now?

When this got all the surprise kudos, it got the fastrack instead of WW.


Sorry, do you not understand how more than one thing can be terrible at the same time? Who exactly was giving the Avengers a pass? Why does that matter when we're talking about THIS movie?

Not necessarily a "fail" and more of a series of marketing decisions masquerading as a story.

God, I would LOVE a Thunderbolts movie - but they'd probably go with the later squad when Venom was on it, and that stunk. The original Sinister Six, plz.


If you're not going to answer anything, then why even do an AMA? Just put out the press release you wanted to put out.

Just discovered this show and wanted to see what the reviews were like - it's a classic.

Just discovered this show and wanted to see what the reviews were like - it's a classic.

That joke didn't land.

And a bitter jury ruins another great season. I hope Scott and Jason fall in a hole - what a couple of a-holes. Aubrey DESTROYED that jury with the best answers I've ever heard in ten years. Michelle was "oh, I, um, yeah. I tried real hard. SMile!" Ugh.

That's nice, dear.

In a row?!

President of People Who Will Never Ever Be President in Any Universe or Timeline From Here to Eternity And Back.