Tiger Knee

Do you always drive at 10 and 2 ?

I would recommend you add this to your article... the most common issue with lithium-ion batteries (the replaceable versions used in mods) overheating/exploding is people putting them in their pockets, or car cup holders full of change with no covers on them. This is classic darwin award material. You put a battery

If anyone tried to wear those glasses in real life, they would get kicked in the d1ck, h4rd & 5w1f7.

How dare you ask the questions everyone wants to know the answers to!

Right, instead they released a barebones game with half the roster not in the game from the start. And now they have already hit delays releasing the rest of the characters the 3rd one in. This is worse then the on-disc DLC fiasco if you ask me.

You shining a spotlight on this threat will not help in any way. All you are doing by posting this threat is getting yourself more publicity and the game. By making this a story you are just planting the seed for other attention seeking, uneducated, immature kids (adults?) to post threats like this in the future. You

If you really want to see where they are claiming there is a “silent majority” - just look at their stance on having flying available to be unlocked at max level during the release of the next expansion. There is no greater requested feature, nor feature they constantly dance around to give a direct answer to then