
What you’re providing is useless anecdotal evidence.

“Oh well I think from my friends...”

I am running a GTX 780. A card that’s over 3 years old. My PC does not in anyway what so ever struggle to run ANY game out right now. 5 minutes after I play this I will be continuing the Witcher 3 which is one of the most

Don’t listen to the naysayers, building a PC was the best thing I did for gaming. Never buy the TOP of the line, fine components 1-2 steps down and expect to upgrade every 3-5 years depending on your budget (or how “into it” you get). I’ve had the same cpu,mobo,ram set up for 5+ years, and have upgraded my gfx card 3

I had a Nvidia gtx 770 and it will run all those games at better settings than any of these consoles do I dont understand where you are getting this information. I think you need to do some research into pc gaming not everyone has to upgrade parts every couple years, those that do are obvious pc enthusiast