Gamora Thanos

Oh call the East Indians[my asshole contribution of the day]

Does she still own the magazine?

Reminds me of the fact that in ancient rome they would paint the eyes of their statues bright blue or green, he has the look of a figurine and the eyes to boot.....love his designs not his look so much.

Hannibal is that you boy?


Terror cotta

Well it was a damn good book.

Thirstaaaay, Christina very very thirstaaay


Hmmmmm actually your baby has a Sith Lord thing going on

Yeah, because there is no drive to get to the real problem and find workable solutions

People hate their jobs leave them alone damn

Could not tell you, very distracted this is exactly how cats feels when presented with yarn and laser lights

Highest of Fives my friend.......I know what you mean Megan Mullaly and that Offerman fellow are my dream friends and hopefully his beefyness will attract equally manly and funny guys so we can all coples date and have brunch with Ina......Liz Lemon fantasies aboundeth

Scott Foley Syndrome, word has it that he chaffed royally at being “Mr Jen Garner”, what really drove the wedge in big time was her earning more than him. This is why I can’t look at he in the same way again ever, because that there is an insecure little man -very very unsexy. Also, total agreement Stedman is a

Meaty and nice legs he had me at the Lederhosen

MizzTorres, welcome to the land of the Jezzies and the Kinjasphere.

my thoughts to a T on the matter

Benicio used to be fine as fuck what happened

yasss queen yassssss