Whe you said you have been under fire for the past couple of weeks, how so? If you don’t mind me asking.
Whe you said you have been under fire for the past couple of weeks, how so? If you don’t mind me asking.
Mothers wanting me to assure them that not vaccinating their child is okay and asking for a letter of fitness [not kidding] to show that child is in perfectly good health without vaccination. I have an interview tomorrow with a University for a Research Fellowship - got short listed. Then as soon as I saw the light I…
You know the work sitch still sucks, I got a gig covering for a primary care doc at his practice, tons of patients, everyone with tons of complaints and no simple eleveated blood pressure or ccf, no STD denying-patients, with high blood pressure, non compliant with med, bipolar patients, elderly patients with…
Also, were you reading that as in harm was intended?
Seriously? This is why talking about things gets difficult at times, what I meant by that are there times when it all gets too much? Like if you see another patient it’ll be too much?
Totally off topic, but I had to ask as medical professional have you ever reached the point where you just did not care? Is that burn out by the way?
Hey Hazel
No, no you are not
How very House of Cards
I couldn’t agree more but to call a “prediction” would mean your mystic was/is Captain Obvious....non? That narrative plays out so much it is annoying, really hoped through all the bumps they could have made it through. That said, I have it on good authority that JenW has been clinging to the corpse of that long dead…
A lot of misogynists in feminist clothing lurk, when my bud came down with a bad case of the Pregs I recommended 5 female ObsGynos who I had heard great things about and or had worked with. She found something faulty with every single 1 of them, and I mean faults from - poor waiting room reading material and ambient…
Hugs, sobs and agreement
She’s too old for the part, too delicate, and to diminish - yeah I said diminish Ms Bell by making her a ‘woman in love’, it doesn’t have to be a love story every time a woman and a man get together on something.
That should lead all the blurbs about this “movie”
Awesome Antonio is douche-tastic. I can smell the axe body spray and dakkar from here
Ain’t no shame in the game, don’t be fenced in dine on all of life’s feast
The cheekbones and their “presence” you HAVE TO look at them when they enter a room and from what I have seen of them interacting, and interviews with each of them - they both have a chill attitude and a goofy sense of humor, which really just makes them that sexier.
my bad.....it was actually dropped on The Muse -