Gamora Thanos

This really bothers me on many levels. First, why do you tell an adult actress to make sure to read the script? Then vom’ much with the “clothing” suggestions......ahhhh no?!! However, hollywierd is seriously a fucked up place and I want to thank her for shining alight on the douchetastic ways of “Madam Panhandler”,

“Madam Panhandler” has an awesome agent, no serioulsy.....I mean his deal with the devil is the most awesome in recent history.

Ha-hah lol.....sure.....why not I was a child sex slave I mean willing victim....bride

Those cookies look very delicious though, that should be taken into consideration

He could get all of it, but I too would fear the clingy

Average Height where and in what period of history?

wouldn’t fuck himin life but what the hell he’s dying. dead or will be reborn so why not.....meh


Why thank you.

I thought so too or at the very least where is the third sister crone to stir the cauldron???

Normally, I do not espouse a non-blonde Swede [it just seems unnatrual], but dayum that is one sweet piece of hunka-hunka burning Scandanavian love - he has an Oscar Issac, James Dornan type of smolder going on. Yes.

wood ands on steak tartare is delicious

Bitchay Shade

Well......if you do want to reject EVERYTHING about your midwest white parents then being a black woman pretty much does that, this is all odd, but welcome to “Post Racial America” [I am just being an asshole].

Awesome, in the spirit of the deliciousness of it all I nominate her for the Clayton Bigsby Award Of Excellence.

Whatever happened to that Rapey policeman from Kansas?

they’re viewed as grasping and tacky.........because they are, they really really are.

Looking up the non-nude ads for Quantico this morning, the show looks interesting. It follows an FBI recruit-cum-agent named Alex Parrish (played by Priyanka Chopra).

what no sex and the city jokes????

Just asweet guy and it comes thru