
Barack Obama.

How many minutes do you think it’ll take him to get kicked out of the next bar? I figure four.

So many numbers and I have no idea what any of them mean. It’s like watching CNBC

Easy. He doesn’t mention him in his article.

Derek Jeter is happy he retired before this existed

John Elway!

It’s already catching on in the States too.

Then I got hammered the next day and forgot to put it away. Ice Cream cakes are bad.

Got hammered once and woke up with this in my freezer.

3.2. Three teams plus the Jets.

Getting rid of EPA, getting rid of Department of Education, tweet something that the media will latch onto and no one will notice, it’s the best possible idea in our kept up kardashian world. he can set in motion whatever he wants and mitigate the backlash by doing something dumb.

“These people have awful names.”


- @gehrig38

Literally in college we just called them “White Chocolate,” “Motorcycle,” and “Shotgun”.


I understand what you are saying, but I’d imagine that to a black person, a white guy waving the Confederate flag is a message of “I wish that you black people were once again property of white people.”

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?