
Stuff like this and James’ pass that was featured yesterday makes me what to tell the mouth-breathing, “soccer sux bcuz flopping!” crowd to shut the fuck up. There are starting NFL quarterbacks who couldn’t execute that kind of accuracy, and these guys are doing it with their feet, often while on the run.

It’s too bad Lynn isn’t more famous. Those tweets look like ratio heaven.

1:08-1:17. Ol’ Boy with the orange bag that starts in the middle of the frame and goes end over end down the hill. He did not have a good time.

Also, the black face is totally unnecessary in this situation! I mean, it always is, but they could have done without the black face and everyone still would have been like “Jamaican Bobsled Team! Cool Runnings!”

So, you say that post presidency is the time for former presidents to really get stuff done, then give one example of a former president doing so. We’re on our sixth president since Carter, so it’s not like there are lack of recent examples. Let the man live his life a bit before tearing him to shreds.

I don’t know, but the MLS sux, lolz - Billy

Peter King

Do you think that WWE would float the airing rights for some of the secondary shows (NXT, Superstars, etc.) out there? I mean, if the demand is that high, why not see if they could get more than $9.99 a month?

+ 1 Bluth Frozen Banana

The way she leans against that partition shows some experience. This is not her first rodeo.

Next season’s theme seems to be something with movies, with the movie set being built in Moisty Mire and random sets across the map. So that combined with the superhero lairs, plus this; maybe its a superhero movie theme?

I take it PvE isn’t available to free users yet?

#CardinalsDevilMagic never dies; sometimes it just changes uniforms.

A few seasons before they made back to back WS runs, I joked with my friends who are Royals fans that Yost was actively trying to get himself fired, and the front office just wouldn’t do it. Good to see he’s back in that mindset.

As a white guy, the only weddings I hear it played at are one’s where I request it.

Over/under 5 days before she recorded this that she had even HEARD OF -not just heard- this song?

If the WWE wants to get Reigns over, stuff like last night isn’t the way to do it. People don’t like Cena, but people FUCKING HATE Super Cena. I was starting to get pissed that he kept kicking out because it looked like that was the route they were going. And I like Reigns!

I’m fine with guys kicking out of finshers...to an extent. Last night far past that extent, and I wanted Reigns to win.

Braun has had a ridiculous amount of development in a short amount of time. I’ll admit, I wasn’t big on him at first. His move set wasn’t (and still isn’t really) all that extensive and I thought the only reason he was so over was because he was feuding with Reigns. But I’ve warmed on him because of the comedy routine