
I agree with everything you said, which is why I think “smart” wrestling fans are pretentious assholes sometimes. Big, strong guy that has a limited move set? Braun Strowman couldn’t be more over right now. This is probably because they had him feud with Reigns out of the gate. Hell, fans chanted “Goldberg” at guys

Did she get clipped or something when she got passed? Right as the Italian racer passed her, she threw her hands up in a kind of “What the fuck?” motion. I know it was right before a jump, so maybe she was trying to regain balance but it looked odd.

But it wasn’t even taunting. He turned in the fallen players direction as he was going back up court. It’s not like he stood there staring the guy down. He may have been laughing, that’s as bad as it got.

Derrick Rose joins Jimmy Butler, Taj Gibson, and Thibs??

Hey, some people clearly take the fact their state doesn’t sell alcohol in gas stations very seriously and will let you know that! Stop gas station-shaming them!

I wouldn’t call a three hour game a “short film”, but I see your point.

It doesn’t help Vince’s case that, in a company in which he has creative control, that a black wrestler has never held the companies top prize (either one of them for that matter!), despite the results being completely pre-determined.

Related: People bag on Kevin Durant all the time, but he’s simply following the LeBron James playbook.

Even as a Cubs fan, I have always loved Cutch. It was an absolute shock to me that, even with the numbers he was putting up, the Pirates couldn’t find SOMEONE to take him off their hands.

A lot going on in that 7th graph.

LeBron get stops, but that’s only because he’s generally guarding the other teams 3rd or 4th option.

I always found this especially odd since new episodes are available on Hulu the next day.

So I am several months behind on the story lines and am trying to catch up before Mania...but Kane?

Good eye.

Except it’s not that simple or obvious. Alabama lost 1 game all year; in their 12th game of the season, on the road, to their rival, who happened to be the 6th ranked team in the country. If that game happens in, say, week 3 and all things stay the same, Alabama is in the playoff without a question.

Those lines in “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” are bad, but its always been the Euro-centrism of the song that makes me hate it. Over half the continent doesn’t practice Christianity. So they probably DO know it’s Christmas, they just don’t give a fuck.

Has there been any spin on this? Like what reasoning are they putting forth for this besides “We’re soulless corporate shills and we’re making boatloads of money off this” (So basically the GOP motto)?

Baltimore is the only exception here, in that I don’t blame them for sticking with Flacco (read:$$$$$). Everyone else had a starter go down to injury or, in Denver’s case, not being that good.

Question: Does the DH HAVE to be used for the pitcher?

5th down. Flea Kicker. This. God hates Mizzou.