
Sorry, but Mastodon is just not a replacement for what I use Twitter for. It’s basically just Discord with a Twitter UI — great if you already have a community, terrible for stumbling upon new, interesting people, ideas, etc.

Also I will never use a product where posts are called “toots,” it’s just not gonna happen.

Sure, but are there still going to be people using Mastodon?

Right there with you!

Unpopular opinion - I like the shell on my hardboiled eggs because it’s a perfect biodegradable wrapper for toting it to wherever I may want to eat it later. 

Ditto for me on the lists, but I’m a wait and see on whether Twitter turns into a hellhole of harassment, disinformation, and bad actors.

I use Mastodon on the Dobbs Town instance and it’s more or less identical to twitter but friendlier. The big problem is outside of a few instances it’s not quiet, it’s barren.

I’ve always heard this too (eye contact and face proximity), but I think it depends on the dog, the person, and their relationship. I didn’t grow up with dogs but my wife did and we’re a dog (and cat) family now.

I loathe videos where genuinely ignorant people take delight in the stressing of an innocent animal. They’re ignorant because the thought that they are causing harm never even crosses their mind, they’re too busy laughing. Think of it this way, imagine people who take delight and laugh at videos on causing stress to

The entire trend of videos that are “fuck with your pet by doing X” needs to die. Some of the things are harmless but all of them encourage the attitude that pets are entertainment instead of responsibility.

JFC, don’t tell people to bathe their pets in coffee grounds! Caffeine can be toxic to dogs and cats, and they’re obviously going to lick any stray grounds off of their fur. There are plenty of pet-appropriate flea shampoos available, posting this is just stupid and irresponsible.

It’s like you’ve completely ignored the news over the past week and still chose to comment on it. Just incredible.

I’m 29... And I’m sorry I made a grammatical error on the internet. Guess Lifehacker will be offering me a job soon.

TLDR; It tells you every time you start incognito mode.

Boggles my mind how how there is “still not a clear cut answer on whether the general public should wear masks”. I don’t understand why the hell the answer isn’t YES. Clearly this disease is transferred primarily though droplet form, so how in the hell does the mask NOT help? 

I think the bottom line should be that wearing something, anything, that covers your mouth and nose is better than absolutely nothing at all (IF you handle it properly).

I would be so annoyed if a coworker made me read that long, involved, self-important fucking auto-response.

It’s fine. 5 years from now, we’ll be told to eat all the sprouts once a doctor says they keep cancer away. Then 3 years after that, we’ll be told that they actually cause cancer. Then another couple years after that...

How about we never eat anything again, never travel anywhere, don’t smoke any more crack, and all just wither away and die in our bubble homes. 

I get what you’re saying, but no reasonable person would argue with someone about whether their peanut/tree nut/shellfish allergy was legitimate, BUT people do this all the time when the subject of MSG comes up. That’s the difference. If you mention that it’s a problem for you, people come crawling out of the woodwork

Same here. Plus my mouth and throat begin immediately itching, and my throat begins to tighten. It’s scary as shit. And then the headache that follows is a doozy, regardless of how much water I can possibly consume afterwards.