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    It's clever and funny. Most whites laughed and then yawned. Wonder if this will get posted. Whites usually get their comments blocked here.

    Folks buy some good ground beef and make your own. Real easy and 10000x better than any fast food taco. You actually feel good after. Everything is fresh. 

    No turd would look fresher

    The next budget taco right before the apocalypse will be a human duece in a soft shell. That’s when it’s all over.

    Might look better...taste better too.

    Is that a diaper?

    Just visited Philly from NY. Had my first real Philly cheese steak with cheese whiz. Pretty damn good. Got to see independence hall and stuff. Drove through some rough looking areas in Northeast Philly but had a good time.

    Hey man I live in NYC. First off I try not to put down where people are from, it's arrogant to be like that. NYC has it's drawbacks for sure. It's real expensive but there's affordable places to live. Everyone thinks NYC is only Manhattan. There's 4 other boroughs. I think one great part is the diversity of food. You

    Man racism goes both ways now doesn’t it. She was clearly wrong for doing that but seems like blacks commenting here sure hate whites. Sad all around. Maybe we should try being decent to each other. 

    I wonder what homes and cars would be worth if there was no lending and we couldn't finance everything. Basically if we started over and everyone had to pay in full. 

    Some hs coaches too I say. My old hs coach was such prick bully. I never minded a coach yelling, it was the entitlement some of them walked around with. Never once a talk about not doing steroids meanwhile it was so obvious guys were doing it. Great role model lol.

    Eating out while black? Might be a great video title I have to say. Anyway I think the bigger mystery is how exactly does subway make any money. There's always a few people at best on line ordering subpar $5 dollar sandwiches. Maybe I'm just not a good business man but it always makes me wonder. I would go more if

    Guy is the exception not the rule. He doesn’t speak for me or anyone I know.

    Well I suppose some angry drug addicts reside on long island. I lived there most of my life. Most of long island is no problem. Many different neighborhoods. Yeah there’s bad pockets in Nassau and some bad pockets in Suffolk. How’s that different than anywhere else? I’m white and yeah I’ve seen angry whites. Don’t

    I’m white. I didn’t care what color the victims were. I’m not sure why so many people assume that most white people were only outraged because the victims were white. I don’t think that’s true at all.

    If it’s true he deserves all the bad press and consequences, but you act like false accusations don’t exist. Get over yourself. I guarantee if someone falsely accused you and everyone immediately assumed it was true you wouldn’t believe everything you hear immediately.

    The CTE issue and everything we will continue to learn about how the game effects health and well being will be its down fall. Parents will slowly start steering their children away from the game and refusing to let them play. It’s already happening. The risks are to high. It’s not worth it and I think we have only