
This is me, too. And I’m glad you brought it up because it’s the very thing the article is talking about. We must go and be uncomfortable. We must defend and stand behind marginalized people. We must support without taking over. Someone else told you to get over yourself and I think that’s the answer, but I prefer to

If you show up, genuinely willing to help, and not trying to make it about yourself, no one will reject you. Black people have a long history of letting non-blacks into the club, sometimes even to our detriment.

Here are some great posts about this:

It is amazing and terrifying how good people are at compartmentalizing. Also amazing and terrifying how many attempts I had to make spelling compartmentalizing.  

Let me explain how that might happen. Say you have these lovely relatives: maybe your mother, or your aunt, or your best friend from grade school on, or your father-in-law. Say that you are always vehemently feminist and anti-racist in their presence, that they “like” facebook posts in which you say political,