Tiffany Sears

Honestly, I wasn't a fan of Parks and Rec when I first started watching it. I think shows like this usually take some time to find their stride

This was a lot funnier than I expected. Not looking for a revival of the show but they did a good job.

Ah. I didn't get that from the article, but that makes sense. It seemed like the examples they used before Feldman's response were more "This was a trainwreck. Hahaha" People spouting death threats (or encouragement) over bad art are a**holes.
Edited to censor myself because I don't know AV's stance on swears :)

It was a comically bad performance and people commented as such. That doesn't mean it's not terribly sad what happened to him in the past and what he still struggles with. I don't think this is a good comparison to the Leslie Jones stuff though. If you go on the Today Show and give a bad performance, like laughably

He would still make a great older Joker.

I have been so good lately not fan-complaining about stuff like this, but OMG this bums me out so much. This is my favorite Sondheim work and such a fun/dark/beautiful set of stories and songs. Specifically (SPOILER from the article) what is the point of including the big bad wolf if they are taking out the sexual