
What is that about? When you look at Jane the Virgin you only see white and latino people. Minority groups in general seem to focus on their group's interaction with white people.

So much this. I just rented Spectre and when that song came on I was like: What?!

I guess I have a problem with people expecting so much from one black dude and nothing from other non black leaders who should have made this more. We actually agree that in general diversity should include more than just black people but I have a problem with other minorities getting mad at one minority for not

I can't say that others didn't participate. I can say that the face of the civil rights movement was a black people. And white people usually tack racial grievances with the face of black people. We are seen as the annoying ones who won't shut up.

The problem is that it wasn’t a co-opting. The Oscars lack of diversity was started (this year) by a black woman. It would have been great if other minorities joined in on that but they didn't. You had some latino voices saying things but they didn't seem to be saying hey black people and others let's join together.

My problem with your statements is that they seem to lack context and a sense of history. The civil rights movement paved the way for a lot of non black people. Black people have done the work with little or no acknowledgement from other minority groups. Those same minority groups often reap the benefits and don’t

To a black person America does really come down to black and white. Sorry. The other minority groups are usually used against black people.

Your read on that was weird. He was basically calling men’s clothing boring.

Stop being an idiot and get mad at the star of your minority group who remains silent about your issues.

All you have to do is get is a platform and speak for your group. And I am a black person who always includes other minorities. But I have a problem with other groups thinking that it is the responsibility of black people to continuously carry the load while the other groups benefit.

Have a nice day.

You know they weren't the stars right?

Their intense twin faces creep me out as they sing directly into the camera. I don't think I will ever able to look at their show again. It was a mindless exercise but now I may get creeped out.

This is not really indicative of anything. Artists are weird and have very weird relationships.

Well you totally understand a black person's dilemma. I hate being told that I only voted for Barack Obama because of his skin color. I mean I am not voting for Carson.

I am still a Christian but I refuse to be lumped in with the crazies. It's like me being an American.

That is the only reason religion is important.

You have to be kidding, right?

Normally no but again, just read an article where her now boss was gunning for those two shows and her former boss wanted them to stay. Additionally, the new job has reduced responsibilities those of which her current boss is now tasked with.

You do know it can be both. As a black woman myself, game recognize game. However, I am also aware of politics. There is no doubt she is qualified. But it would also look better if Scandal was brought down by a black woman and not a white guy.