
But why? I don't watch the show but somebody might like it. I hated Texas Ranger Walker for years but I let old people and racist people have their joy.

I think this is a set up. In another article I read the actual boss (above her promoted position) wanted to do more crime procedurals. Paul Lee was very supportive of programming that included Scandal and American Crime (but they aren’t ratings juggernauts). Scandal apparently does better on twitter. I think they are


To be fair, the Dixie Chicks (Natalie) directly called their president out. I mean to compare Beyonce’s video/performance to that is not fair. If white people actually listened to the lyrics of the Beyonce song this would kinda be done. Who is really threatened by her hot sauce in her purse and I am pretty sure Red

Jeb’s face in both pics tell the story. He has accepted that the people he needs to win this thing think his little brother is so cute. It’s like when people come over and your idiot brother continues to tell some stupid joke that everyone thinks is cute because he is 5 and an idiot. Meanwhile you totally aced

The problem is you got too much sense. This world ain’t built for your kind.

I am such a nerd I am going to youtube that debate.

I really love her lipstick.


Oh honey yes. And it is not limited to gay downlow people. I don't trust people who cheat period... Bill Clinton is still on my shit list as is Mark Sanford. I don't understood how you could be cool with someone is lying about and dragging a wife and kids through that mess and for what...

That could be it or he could just hate Marco Rubio for being a waste of space...no legislative or other real accomplishments to speak of. And as to the homophobic comment. I am not a homophobe but I don't trust downlow peeps. If you can lie about that you can lie about anything. There is nothing okay about being on

No. It was good but, no.

Yeah I only watched it because I thought for sure Patti was going to bring a guy for him to sleep with and tell him to stop the lies.

It was good. Reminded me a lot of School Daze. He managed to combine a bit of whimsy with a serious subject. It was definitely not afraid to confront sexual politics. I will have to watch it again but it is on Amazon Prime so if you have that go check it out.

Where exactly is the delineation mark between black gay men and black straight women in terms of cultural qs? I say this because behind most black gay men is a black woman who reared him and sheltered him. Black men didn’t just pop out of the ether with all that sassiness and slang. More than likely they got it from

I also liked the use of effeminate black gay men. No apologies. They twerking and gyrating and it is cool.

Yeah it is pretty unpopular. I just saw Chi-Raq which I think is way underrated and this made think of that movie. One of the more interesting Beyonce videos to date.

The sad thing is that in the video she breaks free of her father and runs smack into the controlling hands of the five guys who talk about her body and put their hands on her.

I was walking home from bus stop (high school) and this black dude yelled out not guilty. I remember feeling happy because for me it was about gamesmanship. I don't regret that feeling but I do regret not really thinking about Nicole or Ron. I never even liked OJ. I don't think many black people liked him

The son is already an adult (44 years-old). He already waited until he was 25. Do you know get it?