
Jeffrey Star’s fake beefs are so boring, if he was a spice, he would be flour.

I genuinely believe that no one should value anything this Face Tuned Garbage Pail Kid has to say. 

*slams fist on table* NO! You move Pine down, not Hemsworth! God, it’s like you people didn’t even see Thor: Ragnarok!!!!!

I just feel like Chris Pine kind of looks...generic? My order:

Love her, hate this story, hate that product. Nicotine dependency is no laughing matter. I’m 12 years off smoking and I try very hard not to be that person. And honestly, I never did a deep dive into any of the e-cigs but from what I understand they’re just as addicting as regular cigarette. And I don’t think the lack

Antoni seems like a good guy. The fact that he’s not a professional chef didn’t bother me. I think the job would be wasted on a pro. But what I’ve started to realize is that one of the most impactful people on the show is Karamo. While the skill he’s supposed to bring, “culture expert”, is poorly defined, what he

Apparently if you don’t pierce their ears when they’re 6 months or put one of those godawful headbands on them, they can’t possibly be a girl.

I thought Jason wrote this article for a second 

I hate Jenny McCarthy more and more each week. She is so, so, obnoxious and stupid.

“I am technically guilty of this crime but seriously fuck this for being a crime”

Truly incredible reporting. I’m proud to see how Jalopnik has evolved into a place where I can experience the weirdness of Torchinsky’s mind, but also the sheer brilliance of Ryan Felton on real-life issues.

Well done guys. Great article

I only wear that scarf when I want to look like a twat.

Stop pushing a Lotus Elise on me.

Yep, third most important skill behind:

Nice price or crack pipe

That’s cause she secretly owns a Vibe and a Probe;your job has been outsourced!

I’ve said this a thousand times, we need confetti cannons in the middle of roundabouts. No, it wouldn’t have prevented this situation from happening but it might have made a terrifying experience just a little more festive.

I don’t think all of the items featured were made using only the highest quality silk. Plus I highly doubt they are handcrafted like Chanel products, for example.  They are made in Chinese factories like other pieces of clothing that cost 10 times less. On top of that the designs are just tacky. The main reason for the

I think, between this and the annual Williams-Sonoma catalog review, we have learned that Drew needs to do more catalog reviews.