
Example: Jessica Biel’s ring. Huge diamond, super expensive, and FUG.

Netflix should have a “hide” function so that this type of content can remain hidden from me once I see it come up in a list of shows, for the first time. For really bad shows there should be a “delete” function so that it’s next to impossible for it to come up on the screen again, through searches, etc.

Julia Roberts radiates “get the fuck away from me” vibes, which is an aesthetic I actually deeply admire.

Rihanna didn’t even shave her eyebrows off and draw them back pencil thin!!!

The makeup artist “erased” them with foundation, drew the pencil brows on, and they photoshopped out the texture of the brow hairs in post production. I pity the fools who do this IRL.

My question is: Did he go out and buy a new nazi flag or did he just have one lying around?

use Simple. just, I mean...just get a Simple checking account. That’s it.

Dear Mountain Lion,

Um that Maria Sharapova pic seems a little fucked up. I think you should take it down unless she consented to having TMZ publish it. 

I’m with you. I’ve taken my stand on this before, but the official Chris Order is 1) Evans, 2) Hemsworth, 3) Pine, 4) Pratt.

If I’m gonna spend $40k on a car it’s gonna be on a Porsche I lusted after, not some tarted-up Civic. 

Here are a few familiar classics that won’t totally distract you:

It’s that time of year again, when the portable shitters fly back north for the summer.

If these alegation are true, homegirl should have blown his shit up then and there and filed a police report. Going behind the law and trying to keep it out of the media really makes her seem like an opertunistic gold digger...not a victim.

I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again, it would be really neato if you guys could prefix these “Hey look a neat app” articles with the platforms supported, [iOS/Android] or [iOS] or [Android].

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

Valid reason to wear something: “Because I liked it.”

Somewhere uncomfortable. Like the back of a Volkswagen.

I love sleeping in bed with pets! My current kitty will occasionally sleep in the bed with me and my husband, but she goes through phases (one week it will be in bed, the next on a nightstand, etc.)

Sadly most drivers today haven’t the slightest idea what “yield” means...