Her son, Henry, was having a party and I was invited by a mutual friend.
Her son, Henry, was having a party and I was invited by a mutual friend.
I know (knew?) her son, Henry. He’s my age, we had mutual friends, and I got invited to a party at his house.
She doesn’t really look like she does on camera, although she is radiant in every way. And *tiny*! She was in mom-mode (she has 4 kids), so it was really cool to see her as a “normal” person. She is amazing.
I’ve met Meryl Streep. She was so nice and welcoming (I was at her house), that I forgot who she was! There was no “I’m a huge star, bow down bitches.” vibe about her. Just a “Hey, you know my kid, so you must be an okay person! C’mon in. Snacks are in the kitchen.” thing. She actually said the last part.
Who said you need to finance it? You can buy it directly from Google (or any marketplace, for that matter) for full price (or less, as you have) outright.
Night Mode is already there. Here’s how to get it.
Well, yeah, he looks a little weird. Teeth help shape your face. My parents had a cat who had to have almost all of her teeth pulled (at the age of 14), and she definitely looked like a little old woman without her dentures. It was kinda cute. You’ll get used to it.
It’s so.... UGLY. Just like all the new Toyotas. They all look like someone in the design department is in love with the new Star Wars movie.
In addition to the excellent suggestions of baking steels and stones, I make my pizza on a cast iron skillet in the oven. Crust comes out perfect everytime.
In addition to the excellent suggestions of baking steels and stones, I make my pizza on a cast iron skillet in the…
No thanks. There’s not one in the town he lives in. There are much better independent coffee shops.
Clinton doesn’t live too far from me.... Maybe.....
That guy is the definition of ass-clown. He needs to die in a car fire.
Justin Timberlake and his (now ex) girlfriend Sofia Richie
Soy milk has its own problems. Women who are at risk of, or who have had breast cancer should not drink it because the plant estrogens could cause tumor growth. This has not been proven or disproven, but it’s probably best to err on the side of caution.
I am a customer and former employee. I have never “misused” the guarantee personally, so I don’t appreciate being called a shoplifter. I simply used that as an example of how amazing their guarantee is. I have always been satisfied with everything I have bought. I have jackets that are years old that look new. My…
That’s your opinion, and you are entitled to it. Leon Leonwood Bean felt differently. He wanted his customers to be 100% satisfied with their purchases, whatever it takes.
Unethical? Maybe. True? Absolutely. I worked for L.L.Bean; amazing company to work for. In fact, they almost *did* go out of business in the late 90s. However, they found a way to make it work, and they are doing better than ever. The thing is, most of their customers don’t take advantage of the guarantee. They will…
The only thing to look for: L.L.Bean.