Thank god, because Pokemon Go so needs more apologists.
Thank god, because Pokemon Go so needs more apologists.
As an Avs fan, the very top of your list brings back great memories.
I’d say best known for being traded for Patrick Roy as his intended replacement, but fair point to you.
Haha. The fuck is this?
Almost like why would you bother commenting on something you’re clearly against and playing eternal devil’s advocate, but I guess people need strange and inexplicable ways to spend their time?
It’s almost like I said “people can enjoy a well-crafted story”.
I think it’s a shrewd way to open up the game to new audiences -JRPG diehards can enjoy the game as it was originally, and people who want to get into a well-crafted story will be able to avoid some of the tedium... or some combination of the two.
I know, it’s pretty fucked up, right? You’d think it would be just one asshole poking fun, but it’s usually a slippery slope.
Why don’t they just slap a “less titties” on every Japanese game released stateside, it’d save some time.
Somebody turned their smarm on. Do you really think if it had been a Clemson fan they wouldn’t have posted this?