Weird they didn't spring for a pro manicure tbh
Weird they didn't spring for a pro manicure tbh
This is the most Wisconsin looking baby I've ever seen. And yet, where is her cheesehead veil? I thought they were de rigueur at all Wisconsin weddings.
Getting the ears pierced is mostly cultural. I'm not saying it's right. I'm just explaining it to you. Latinos really think that it's better to pierce the ears when they are babies so they don't remember the pain. Again, not saying it's right, just explaining.
This is so weird. Another thing that is weird is when parents get their baby's ear's pierced. Please explain this to me.
I'm glad I don't have kids because in response to this I'd probably do a photoshoot of a baby graduating, riding around on a hoverboard, maybe joining Starfleet, if I'm going to attempt to predict the future I'd aim high.
I'm going to make my daughters do "future feminists" photo shoots and have them burning bras and holding up pro-choice signs. My mother in law is going to love that!!
Which one is Jamie Dornan? I swear they look exactly alike to me with the exception of height.
"Penis arrows" meet "Jesus rays". You might hear the voice of angels singing when you notice such beautiful lines shining forth.
Homoerotic, you say??
You get the idea.
Dem penis arrows, tho.
She has the kind of gorgeous hair/jawline combination that makes me envious and full of longing. Conflicted.
I am not in any way, shape, or form a fashion/clothes-oriented type of girl. Never have been, never thought I would be; just never cared all that much.
I fucking love Claire. She's the ultimate Ice Queen.
Your cats are named Lil Wayne and T-Pain??
I'm gonna name my fictional son "John Robert William James Von Clyderdale" to ensure he sits on an S&P board. And it sounds so fancy.
The dog would scratch at me for a while when I didn't let her outside, but I have no doubt she would chow down within 24 hours. She chews on me while I'm sleeping and I'm still very much alive. My being dead just means I won't stop her from doing what she already tries to do.
I've always had this totally logical fear that if I died alone in my home, my pets would eat me long before anyone found my body. My cat would chew off my fingers, toes, ears, and nose and my dog would take a femur.