
I had a long string of 3 monthers. It drove me insane because I'm rather fiercely monogamous and have always put a ton of effort into making the relationships work. I was ALWAYS the dumped one. I broke up with my high school sweetheart and every single relationship since then I have been the dumpee (karma?). I was

You're absolutely right, thank you. Sorry for your loss. I'm positive that they know how much they were loved and even more sure that they don't "blame" their family for the way they passed.

No need to make those who chose cremation seem like barbarians. That's a bit of an asshole comment.

That's a really good point. Reading the other comments I felt like I should have had my recently deceased dog euthanized at home. This comment made me feel better about what happened. Thanks :)

When I had to put my pooch down I took the day off and, when I returned to work, checked out our policy on bereavement days. Nada. So even if my parent or sister dies, I'm up shit creek without a paddle. Conservative politics can die in a fire.

I had an IV administered by the nurses we camped next to at a music festival. Bloody angels they were - I'm with you. It felt like how I imagine a blood transfusion would feel; restorative bliss. After that hangover IV, I understood why Keith Richards supposedly gets full blood transfusions on the regular.

I might have thought mama was a killjoy back in the day but boy do I appreciate her uncoolness now that I'm a fairly well-adjusted adult. I got into enough shit when I was a teen, I can't imagine how things would have gone if I'd had a "cool" mom. I can still be a total idiot with boundaries at 23.

This totally counts! I've experienced the same thing and, as someone who could get off ONCE A YEAR from any sort of sexual contact prior to my current partner, I thank my lucky stars now. I also thank my stars that he's had a lot of practice before me but has none of the maladies as souvenirs. HUZZAH.

I can't even express how much I want to fangirl over my boyfriend whenever he manages to get us off at the same time. I want to simultaneously give him the highest five, bake him lasagna, and tell everyone in the vicinity by singing "I Just Had Sex" as loud as I can.

My boyfriend and his brother love Dany and Arya but they only really started following those plot lines closely after everyone's favourite Stark kicked the bucket. My favourite character is Tyrion and Arya is a really close second. I do think that you might be onto something though; despite two prominent characters,

I have this problem. :( I'm likely being overly sensitive but, because of the gluten-free fad, I'm really shy and embarrassed to have to ask for my food to be prepared gluten-free.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity, which very likely isn't real, is a misunderstanding and misnomer by a lot of self-diagnosed people whose bodies don't deal with FODMAP foods well (short-chained carbs). These people DO feel better when they avoid gluten because this means that they are avoiding FODMAPs nine times out of

Would you not smell that sort of thing happening? If wasps smell anything like bees, that would be one undeniable stench...

I'd say it's a backhanded compliment made to make her feel uncomfortable and put her down.

Jesus H. Christ. I didn't think my rage could level-up again but there she goes...

Pretty sure that if I ever travel with my beau, he'll be shellin' out for a seat at the front and I'll fit my short legs into economy. It's pretty insane that airlines think that their seats comfortably fit humans. He's not exactly an extreme outlier either.

I wonder how long the effects last after waking? My boyfriend is akin to a drunken zombie in the morning. He is unable to coherently respond to ANY stimulus other than coffee.

There's also the fear of showing the outline to family and friends on the beach, regardless of sex. Don't want to give grandma's friend a heart attack.

My boyfriend does this! There was much speculation by the beach ladyfolk as to what possesses him to do so but the junk outline problem totally makes sense. That would be hella awkward while at the beach with the extended family!

That's a neat perspective. It'd be interesting to see how adoptability of different colours, breeds, etc. varies by region. Our shelters in Alberta are overwhelmingly filled with black and tuxedo cats and larger breed dogs.