Enthusiasts: Harley needs to change its image, it’s a dead brand.
Harley: Hey, here are some cool new designs we’re working on that are unlike anything we’ve ever built!
Enthusiasts: TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE!
Enthusiasts: Harley needs to change its image, it’s a dead brand.
Harley: Hey, here are some cool new designs we’re working on that are unlike anything we’ve ever built!
Enthusiasts: TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE!
Funny that you mention that! Long before I developed any mechanical inclination or interest in cars, I did in fact bend the accelerator on my first car, a squarebody Suburban.
My local Pickles (who does all the weird ex-lease/government/army fleet divestment auctions) is flogging off a Centurion tank - AKA the best tank of the post-WWII era.
Turns out that the sales of a car thats more expensive than a miata convertible but slower than a miata convertible is dwindling...
This is where regulations are a good thing, for all the Libertarians out there, because OBD regulations actually require that manufacturers allow for diagnostic information to be commercially available for independent repair shops and consumers.
And, technically speaking, most of us can’t make adjustments to our cars own computer without special software or devices created by third parties, usually without consent from the manufacturer.
But as a light infantry soldier, whenever one of those things showed up, we showered the operator with fresh coffee, chocolate pudding, chocolate cake, lasagne, whatever else we had to hand because he was about to save us hours and hours of digging fighting positions and obstacles.
When they worked.
Literally millions of voters would disagree on that.
Many front wheel drive cars of this vintage don’t have independent rear suspension. There’s usually some sort of beam connecting the two spindles that runs below something like the tub of the unibody or the fuel tank.
Well, first, every community has battle lines like this.
You still take TP off-roading... TP and a tow strap, that’s it.
The 5.4L Boss motor is a bit of a shocker - I think the best version really only came in the special DJR320 Falcon. Now that Miami V8 which followed in the FG and FGX Falcons is fantastic.
LS engines aren’t particularly reliable on road courses. I have seen many, many killed LS engines at track days due to oiling problems, overheating, etc. Sure you can throw on an aftermarket oil pan, massive oil cooler, massive radiator, and pray... but they’re definitely on the less reliable side once you spend time…
“The Dodge Challenger is a muscle car that’s been around in its current form since 2008, and has roots in 1990s Mercedes-Benz architecture.”
Maybe one of the largest and most successful carmakers on Earth sees more value in delivering reasonably-priced products with mass appeal over competing with Pedoman and his magical tent cars by blowing R&D on expensive pseudo-luxury EVs in a niche market.
The millenials, gen y'ers as used here, start in the early 80s and are absolutely the generation that bore the brunt of the wars. Born 1984 and 9/11 happened my senior year of high school. A large number of my graduating class went straight into the military and every one of them did a minimum of two tours, at least…