I don’t know, he sounds like a shoe-in for Hell’s administration along with several other Republicans of his ilk.
I don’t know, he sounds like a shoe-in for Hell’s administration along with several other Republicans of his ilk.
This is a good thing. I know that men can get attacked in bars, but as a woman I’m always aware of my surroundings and while I go to bars it’s always with friends I know how to gently turn down men who approach me when I’m not interested and never leave my drink unattended. Sounds paranoid but I was once followed…
This drives me nuts. One of my ex online friends has kids and is ant-vaxx. She’s a nice person, I really didn’t like de-friending her, but when I posted statistics of how vaccinations don’t actually cause autism or any other health problems she responded with a completely discredited article. Your kid, your choice…
The thing is we haven’t heard from her- she might well of tried to connect with her daughter, but but Panettiere seems to have zero voice in this. Everyone seems to be speaking on her behalf.
Hah, same here - it was playing on a flight from the UK to Canada and I thought it was rubbish (was in my teens so some of the jokes I probably didn’t get). Why they wanted to remake it is beyond me Taraji is a good actress - loved her in Person Of Interest, but her choice in film roles has been bafflingly awful.
But the planes also had wheels! Where is your God now Trump?
“alarmed and disturbed” by those who argued that supporting an accused sexual assaulter was “condoning sexual assault.”
“or those who spread its venomous creed.”
Well when it comes to our government then we are a mess, granted, but as a Brit this made me proud. This a welcome step forward for victims of domestic abuse. Kudos to those who managed to push it forward - the economic ramifications of abuse go so often underestimated. Where are you going to escape to if you don’t…
First thought too. Victim blaming is sadly all too common, but these are kids. No way does the judge not have sympathy for the pedophile.
Oops, I stand corrected - thanks.
No mass shooting victims? Anyone representing the LBQT community? Anyone to do with the “Me Too” movement? What a massive surprise.
Trump is like a weird pin-ball - machine. “I shall solve” insert whatever happens to be on his mind for this particular five minutes. The opioide problem, ISIS, North Korea, whatever is trending on Fox News at any given moment. No follow up, just really disprovable lies about how brilliantly he solved things. Let’s…
Roger means to have dirty sex with someone in the UK (There’s a whole joke of a kid’s tv show called Captain Pugwash where there was Roger the cabin boy although that’s a myth), yeah the surname is hilariously vulgar.
No idea, it’s a bit weird though. I don’t know of any Richards who go by Dick unless it was teenage years and friends taking the piss out of them though.
Hey America has Randy as a first name. I don’t even know how you can abbreviate that - I have known a couple of Rogers but they both went by “Bob” which doesn’t really make much sense really, but better than endless teasing I guess.
Netflix cancels Daredevil where I can sigh in contentment as Charlie Cox punches people in the face with a Goop show where I will probably want to punch Gwyneth Paltrow and everyone involved in the face (in an imaginary way). I am not allowed nice things.
“[He] always calls me if there’s any problem, and he did not call.”
Wish the UK could help but we’re still fucking around with Brexit. I’m amazed that the the US has pulled out of the treaty. There is already rumors that Russia is developing ICMBs. This hasn’t gotten nearly enough press as it should do. The last thing we need is the Cold War part 2.
I read an interview with a make-up artist who had done the make-up for various ex or current presidents, she hadn’t worked on Trump, but when asked her opinion was that he used spray tan. She didn’t know any of her peers who had worked with him so in her opinion he probably does his make-up himself which is why he’s…